March 22, 2025

Long ago in a galaxy, far, far away . . . And into the 28th century, the International Space Station takes off for parts unknown because it’s too huge to stay in Earth’s Orbit. The station has undergone a metamorphism since its original launch and it was revealed while the song, Major Tom, kicked off the movie’s introduction. By the end of the song, the station, known as Alpha, is now inhabited by millions of creatures from thousand planets. The aliens live in quadrants based on their skill and the stations’ need. Alpha even has an underground, where the criminal element resides.

Valerian is Luc Besson’s The Fifth Element on some major steroids. I experienced sensory overload from all the visuals. This isn’t a complaint. It took me by surprise. The Fifth Element managed to show you a lot without overwhelming you. Valerian was so direct and “in your face”. There was too much to see to enjoy for a first viewing. This is one of those movies you need to watch more than once. I highly recommend you watch it several times. It is possible you may watch the film and believe it is absolutely amazing in one viewing. There’s nothing wrong with that sentiment. This is why I prefer to do an analysis, rather than a traditional film review. Movies are subjective and are open to interpretation by the viewer.

Still from Valerian

The CGI was exceptionally good. The Pearls characters are from Planet Mül. They reminded me of James Cameron’s Avatar Na’vi characters. They were also extremely tall, long-legged, and slender. However, that’s where the similarities end. I’m amazed at how CGI technology has come. CGI characters are so close to looking human – kind of creepy if you ask me. It’s starting to give me that Invasion of the Body Snatchers vibe. Only the Pearls fluid movement betray that they’re computer-generated. As for the other creatures, this wasn’t noticeable. I believe it’s because the Pearls are humanoid and you expect them to move like humans.

I don’t want to spoil the movie so I will focus on its best features. While the storyline was a remake of films past, the focus was on Major Valerian (Dane DeHaan) and his partner, Sergeant Laureline (Cara Delevingne). The subplot is their relationship. Many people thought Besson should have used other actors, but these actors fit their roles. The acting was good. I have no complaints.

Still from Valerian

The Big Market was interesting. Major Valerian and Sergeant Laureline were sent there to retrieve a Mül Converter, which is a creature that gleefully poops large pearls and anything else it can swallow. Laureline couldn’t resist giving it a diamond. Now, if I say anything else, I’ll give away the plot, like I already have. The movie is one wild ride that could have been better. I’m certain this is due to the PG-13 rating. They couldn’t be too graphic. Still, people got munched, crunched, and shot up!

Igon, the crime boss, was great, but his scene was too brief. He makes a heavy threat that doesn’t get carried out. I was expecting to see him pop up near the end of the movie, like bad sushi, to carry out his threat. Yes, this would have been cliché but I believe such a scene is necessary to maintain continuity.

Commander Arün Filitt (Clive Owen) is a complete douche. Justice was served at the end of the movie. He deserved to be left hanging, like a sack of fruit. This guy is crazy. I was getting General Hux vibes from him.

Rhianna’s scenes were great. I would love to see her in more roles. She played Bubbles to perfection. Her scene was short but meaningful.

If I go any deeper into the plot, I’ll spoil the movie for you, again, like I already have. [sigh] So, I will end this by saying Valerian isn’t a great movie, but it isn’t a bad one. It’s definitely a movie you must watch more than once. The film is based on the French science fiction comics’ series Valérian and Laureline, written by Pierre Christin and illustrated by Jean-Claude Mézières.

Should you watch this movie? Yes. I believe you will enjoy it if you’re a The Fifth Element fan. Just don’t expect LeeLoo in Laureline and Korben Dallas in Valerian. They are not similar.

You can rent Valerian and The City of a Thousand Planets via DVD Netflix or add it to your queue to rent at a later date. #DVDNation #ad

Movie Rating: 3 stars.

Movie Ratings Guide

1 Star = Unwatchable
2 Stars = Cannot Recommend
3 Stars = Great for the Fans
4 Stars = A Solid Movie
5 Stars = Must Own (DVD/Stream Download)

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