Front Country’s track entitled “Amerikan Dream” is a deliberation on the mythos versus the reality of America. Featuring twangy guitars, soulful vocals, and compelling lyrics, the track has the ability to reel you in with a story and keep you hooked. It has all the makings of a memorable summer anthem. From their beginnings in the SF Bay Area to their new hometown of Nashville, band members Melody Walker, Adam Roszkiewicz, and Jacob Groopman have been on a journey to discover a particular sound. As multi-instrumentalists, songwriters, and composers, the instrumentation and setting have always been secondary to their musical vision. While making their third album, their first in Music City, Front Country feel closer than ever to what fans have heard in them all along. Their ground-breaking, genre-shaking music has been described by commentators as “Rugged Americana and Purposeful Pop”, which seems as close as anything to describe their distinctive vibe. To them, their namesake is about pushing the envelope, but never losing sight of their roots.
Singer Melody shares, “From our racist colonial roots to our economically divided present, the “American Dream” has never really been accessible to all. Since it is a belief more than a fact, the first step in changing it is to dismantle the dogma within ourselves so we can be free to imagine a better country together.”Front Country has garnered close to six million streams on Spotify to date. We wish them the very best with the track.
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