September 28, 2024

Lisa Chandler has been making an explosive impact in the entertainment industry, both figuratively and literally, leaving an indelible mark that resonates with sheer force. From commanding the screen with grounded and captivating performances to fearlessly strapping into stunt harnesses, doubling for renowned actresses such as Charlize Theron. In the second season of the MGM+ series “Billy the Kid”, Lisa portrays Susan McSween, a prominent cattlewoman of the 19th century, once called the “Cattle Queen of New Mexico”. We had the pleasure of catching up with Lisa to discuss the role, her career, and what’s in the pipeline.

For those unfamiliar with your background in film, what inspired you to become an actor and stunt performer? Please tell us more about your early exposure to the industry. Who were your early influencers and how did they shape your approach to acting?

Back in the day, I was a pint-sized performer with a passion for making people crack up, especially if it meant commandeering the living room stage. But as I grew older (and hopefully wiser), I realized I wanted more than just fleeting giggles from family gatherings. Nope, not eyeing a career in the other kind of “film” industry, thank you very much! So, off I trotted to Toronto at the ripe age of 21, ready to dive headfirst into the glorious mess that is showbiz. I dove into everything and anything related to the industry – from lurking in the background of scenes (yeah, I was that extra in the coffee shop), to being a glorified mannequin for lighting tests(stand-in ), to starring in student films that would make even my mom cringe. You name it, I did it – all in the name of chasing that elusive dream. Cue the classic “starving artist” montage, complete with ramen noodles and questionable couch-surfing arrangements. But hey, hunger pangs aside, I was fueled by the desire to tickle funny bones and tug heartstrings.

Then, one fateful day on the set of “Underworld” (no vampires involved, sadly; I was Kate Beckinsale’s stand-in), I stumbled upon the wild world of stunts. Picture this: Kate Beckinsale looking fierce, while in the background, a bunch of adrenaline junkies are flipping, diving, and basically having a blast. And get this – they were getting paid for it! It was like all the misfits from my high school gym class had found their calling, armed with knives, sticks, and a knack for danger. Naturally, I thought to myself, “Hey, I can do that!” Or, at least, I could try. So, off I went, searching for a set of kali sticks to train with and joining the ranks of the daredevil brigade. And let me tell you, it’s been a wild ride – pun absolutely intended. So yeah, maybe I still fit in that “athletic weirdo” category, but hey, it’s where all the fun happens, right? At least, that’s what I keep telling myself as I dive headfirst into yet another insane stunt. In terms of early influences, I didn’t have many. My admiration for certain actors and actresses developed more as I matured. While shows like ‘Friends’ were popular during that time, I wasn’t focused on idolizing celebrities. I was more concerned with paying bills, attending acting classes, and simply navigating life. Now in my (ahem) 30s, I find myself drawn to specific women in the industry, such as Helena Bonham Carter, Emily Blunt, Tilda Swinton, Zoe Saldana, Charlize Theron, Kate Blanchette, I admire their work and try to learn from their performances. Of course, achieving success in acting is far from easy, but I’m determined to carve out my path in this competitive field.

Name an acting collaboration you’re most proud of and what did you learn in the process?

Filming Season 2 of ‘Billy The Kid’ in Calgary felt like a summer camp experience. The camaraderie among the cast and crew, diving into the challenges of filming together with insane weather (the heat and cold), and bonding over late-night drinks in dive bars created a memorable experience. I’m proud to have been a part of it. I learned to trust certain moments in filming and to not overthink it.

Audiences can look forward to seeing you in the second season of the MGM+ series “Billy the Kid”. You play Susan McSween, a prominent cattlewoman of the 19th century. Please tell us more about the role and what drew you to it.

I’m thrilled to be returning as Susan for Season 2 of ‘Billy The Kid’. Susan McSween, a kickass woman in American history, particularly during the tumultuous Lincoln County War of 1878- 1881, transitioned into the role of a cattle ranchwoman following the war’s conclusion. She transformed her modest beginnings into one of the state’s largest ranches through sheer determination and hard work. My fascination with Susan led me to delve into Kathleen Chamberlain’s book ‘In The Shadow Of Billy The Kid’, a comprehensive compilation of Susan McSween’s letters, interviews, and historical accounts from the Lincoln County War. Immersing myself in her story, I sought to grasp every aspect of her life, from her backstory to the profound loss of her husband during the conflict. Susan’s willingness to roll up her sleeves and embrace farm life, all while exuding elegance in her attire, handmade leather boots, and minimal jewellery, spoke volumes to me. She’s truly my kind of gal.

Please tell us more about your latest film project, the highly-anticipated LONGLEGS. What can audiences expect?

Well that film is, how do I say it, scary as hell! At this point, I can’t talk too much about it as it has not been released yet(July 12, 2024 release date) but what I can say is that this film will make you squirm in a disturbing way.

Please tell us more about your experience working on the production

I was hired to double dip as we say. I was cast as ‘Mother Camera’ as well as hired to stunt double Maika Monroe. When I read the script, I remember thinking that this was a little different than any other horror/thriller film I’ve worked on. It had an eerie, moody vibe to it and had scenes that seemed to cut you in the gut without the use of knives, showing blood or pretending to be some lame horror film. It had substance.

Your career is growing from strength to strength in front of the camera. Do you have any interest in working behind it?

Absolutely! I’ve co-produced a few projects of my own/with partners and am aiming to shoot another this fall. I’m directing a thriller which I’m pumped and slightly pulling my hair out already in terms of the prep I’m currently in. There almost always seems to be never enough time before we hit the camera!

What’s your favorite film of all time, and why?

I’m a massive fan of the Bourne Identity films. I love the hand-to-hand combat fight sequences and driving scenes as well as the writing. I could watch any of them, any day.

What’s your favorite stunt of all time, and why?

Anything water related, sign me up. I had an amazing time working with the water team on a show I did a few years back called ‘Siren’. It was a mermaid/siren tv show, so we were filming in a water tank for a few years. Best time ever swimming around in a tight onesie with facial dots (CGI) doing breath hold work, performing under water fights and almost drowning from laughing our butts off!

What projects are in the pipeline?

I have a few projects in the pipeline for sure. I’ve been shadowing a few directors lately so I’ve been behind the lens gaining more knowledge and an understanding of that side of the camera which I’m loving!

Where can our followers find out more about you?

I’m always posting on my Instagram so that’s the most common place to find me: @lisa_chandler_



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