December 22, 2024

Bulldog Productions’ highly popular dramedy series FAK YAASS, follows the story of Nico Nicolakis and his big Greek family as they journey through accepting Nico no matter his sexuality. Showing the clash between old tradition and the new age, millennial Nico, played by Vasilios Filippakis, struggles with the idea of returning home, where he’s always felt judged and unworthy. Lead actor and series creator Vasilios Filippakis talks to Occhi Magazine about the plot and what we can expect.

Hi Vasilios, Thank you for granting the interview. Congratulations on the series FAK YAASS. Please tell us more about the plot and what we should expect in this season.

Thank you so much! FAK YAASS is really about the character Nico, whom I portray. He is gay, confident and loves being free in the city. He is abruptly forced back home to his small town to take care of his very homophobic grandfather. Although it sucks for Nico, he does get through it…but at a cost. Get ready to laugh, feel joy, maybe cry and hopefully at the end feel some compassion.

You created and star in the series. How did this project start?

The project was a journey and a huge team effort. I partnered with Anthony Filangeri, who scripted the series. From there we created a teaser with the help of Matthew McLaughlin and Bulldog Productions. We used this as a pitch for a grant (we didn’t get it) and at this time Leanne Smith (also my bestie, playing Torri) came on to help with paperwork and act as a co-producer. The four of us together (we call ourselves the ‘core four’) put our amazing energy together and didn’t stop until we made it happen! Can I get a FAK YAASS?

You decided to have FAK YASS’s official international premiere on YouTube. How did you come to this decision?

We spent the last 8 months or so having exclusive rights with OUTtv. We did air in Canada on OUTtv, becoming their #1 viewed web series online. With Bulldog Productions we are still working towards our end goal of creating a full TV series. However, with the world on pause, we figured why not share our show with the world. YouTube gave us the outlet to share the content, for free.  Right now, with so many people off work, etc, we thought it would be great to give people some new content to watch that comes at no cost.

The series shows ‘the clash between old tradition and the new age’ but how much of a clash is there?

There is a huge clash. In the show, Nico and Anton, they express themselves freely. When Nico goes home he is instantly judged and made to feel like him being gay is ‘wrong’ or that he’s ‘sick’. It’s a major problem. Nico is cool though, taking it with a grain of salt.

Please share your experience of working on the project alongside Bulldog Productions and the entire cast and crew

This project only succeeded because of the Bulldog Team and the amazing cast and crew we had. If I could replay the days on set and continue to work with such amazing, talented people, I would be beyond grateful.

Do you have anything else in the pipeline we can look forward to? 

With Bulldog Productions, we have a sci-fi thriller feature film in development along with some new show ideas that I’m excited about.

So where can we keep up to date with your activities?

You can follow me at:

Instagram: vasiliosf
TikTok: vasiliof

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Images courtesy of ProjectFourPR

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