March 15, 2025

As we all know, and as Occhi Magazine has previously reported, times are tough. The creative industries, full of freelancers and self-employed professionals, are particularly vulnerable during this time.  Now more than ever, every artist needs to be part of a strong and supportive community. Perhaps, only through communication and encouragement from peers, will many of us overcome psychological challenges or the worry of future employment. It’s pleasing to know there are those in our community who can remain inventive, constantly thinking outside the box with ways to engage and encourage participation, hope, and opportunity. Isolation The Series is a new web series bringing actors, who are in Isolation themselves, from all around the world to entertain you at home. We had the opportunity to speak to its creator, Steve Leeds about the project.

How did the idea originate?

Isolation The Series is a new web series bringing actors, who are in Isolation themselves, from all around the world to entertain you at home. I write a scene and send each actor their part, with directions on how I would like them to film this, which can all be filmed on their phones. They don’t even know who their scene partner is until the final edit.  I came up with the series whilst being in lockdown. I wanted to keep my mind creative at this very troubling time. I contacted a friend of mine in the UK who is also an actor with my idea and he gladly jumped on board the crazy train.

How easy has it been to garner interest from potential participants?

The response I have had from actors wanting to be in the series has been mind-blowing. I have had hundreds of people wanting to take part and so many lovely messages from everyone supporting it. I reached out to an actor on social media who was struggling to deal with their mental health at this time and asked them to take part in an episode to keep them focused. I had a message from them after saying it helped them in so many ways to get back on track.

Will this be produced for the duration of the lockdown?

Episode 4 is now out on the Facebook page Isolation The Series. Already I have used over 40 actors across the world from the UK to the USA, Australia to India. It’s crazy and so exciting about where I can take it to next! As long as people are enjoying it and want more I will definitely keep the series going. If it helps people to switch off even just for a few minutes to take their mind away from everything that is going on at the minute then that’s all I could ask for.

Do you have plans to develop this project further?

I plan to take this to the stars and back. Just maybe this is a new way of filming?! Along with this project before we went into lockdown I was and still am funding to raise money for a short film called Becoming Everything – A story about the struggles a widowed father and his daughter go through after losing his wife. This film is aiming to raise awareness for families that are struggling through this. This is now something that is even more important to me to make. So many new families, due to the coronavirus, will go through this situation and are right now.

I have 15 days left of the campaign and need to raise more funds for this.


We wish Steve all the best with Isolation The Series and hope you can support him with funding his movie. For more information check the following links:

Isolation The Series

Becoming Everything Please support

Photo credit: Kim Hardy


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