March 15, 2025

Blair Gilmour is an 18-year-old multi-instrumentalist and singer/songwriter from Irvine, Scotland. Immersing himself in music at a young age, Blair quickly realised that performing helped suppress his Tourette’s tics. Diving into music on a sensory level, the young artist explores the secrets of songwriting, producing and performing, inviting listeners along for the journey. He walks a path that avoids the corporate ‘four-chord structure,’ favoring spontaneous compositions that come from deep within, inspired by both heartbreak and joyful observation. Always organic and original, Blair’s vocals are instantly recognisable, marked by a distinctive tone.

The artist has unveiled his latest single “Burning Up” – a vibrant exploration of toxic love wrapped in an irresistibly upbeat package.

Born from the sweltering heat of a Spanish songwriting camp, “Burning Up” transforms environmental inspiration into a profound meditation on destructive attraction. The track showcases Gilmour’s signature sound: a masterful blend of jangly guitars, dynamic percussion, and vocals that carry raw emotion and his distinctive Scottish lilt.

The song explores a universal question,” Gilmour explains. “How can you love something or someone so much that you know it’s bad for you and your mental health, but you’re still in it for the chase?”

What sets Gilmour apart isn’t just his age or his remarkable musicianship – it’s his extraordinary journey. Music became more than a creative outlet when he discovered that performing helped suppress his Tourette’s tics, leading to a deep, sensory-level connection with his craft. This unique relationship with music shapes his approach to songwriting, as he deliberately sidesteps conventional four-chord structures in favor of organic, spontaneous compositions that emerge from authentic experience.

“Burning Up” exemplifies Gilmour’s artistic philosophy, combining earworm melodies with emotional depth. The track’s infectious energy belies its deeper exploration of emotional attachment and the sacrifices we make for connection – themes that resonate across generations and borders.

The raw, honest and relatable track comes to life through upbeat percussion, jangly guitars, and catchy lyrics that will replay in your head all day long. This powerful single demonstrates his versatility, emotional depth and ability to connect authentically with listeners across the globe. Blair Gilmour is set to make waves, as he establishes himself as an artist to watch this year.

“Burning Up” is available now on all major streaming platforms.

For further information on the artist, visit the following links:

Photographer: Eleanor Freeman

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