Tim Hester Photography
Hi, Amber! You have an impressive resume, and we can’t wait to speak with you about your projects! Let’s start with Descending. You play Sabrina. All the vampires are killed off except one. This film is taking vampire lore to the next level. Tell us more.
Hi! Thank you so much. Yes, in the upcoming film Descending, I do play the role of Sabrina. Sabrina is the wife of a vampire hunter named Craven (played by Alex Vincent). It was such a great role to play because I have always been a fan of vampires in films and novels. This film explores the genre so well, it was an honor to be a part of it.
The film is in post-production and is due to be released this year. You can follow it on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/DescendingMovie/

Do you feel that this film delivers a unique plot?
Yes, this film delivers a unique plot. Descending is the third film in a trilogy, the first two being New Blood Rising and New Blood Awakening. Descending takes place one year after all the vampires are killed off. However, one remains and seeks her revenge. I love the idea of a strong female vampire lead character, and KateLynn E. Newberry does a fantastic job in this film.
What should the audience expect?
It is a horror film so expect some chills and thrills for sure! There is certainly drama involved too. The audience can also expect to see some great actors and actress being featured in the film as well. Some include Alex Vincent (who played Andy in the Child’s Play franchise), Lynn Lowry (from George A. Romero’s The Crazies), Moses J. Moseley (from The Walking Dead), and more.
OK, let’s talk The Haunting of Four Points. You have a lead role. You play Sarah Evelyn Graham / Evie. The storyline is enough to make people sit at the edge of their seats! We’re almost afraid to inquire about your exciting dual role, but we said almost so tell us more!
The Haunting of Four Points is a spin-off of another film I was a part of called Levon. In Levon, I play Sarah Evelyn Graham and you see my character briefly in her job at Fischer Advertising. The Haunting of Four Points then focuses on my character as she leaves her job at the advertising agency, and she decides to follow her dream of being a paranormal investigator. The name “Evie” is explained in the film, but let’s just say she makes a few changes from one film to the next!
The Haunting of Four Points is a horror/comedy, so that was a lot of fun for me to be a part of. There is a lot of character development involved as well. The entire cast and crew on that film were incredible and I had so much fun on set. Being that it was a lead role, I spent a lot of time with “Evie” and the other characters. I am extremely proud of how it turned out.
The film will be streaming online later this year, and I also have DVD and Blu-Ray copies available that I offer at my comic con appearances. You can follow it on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/TheHauntingofFourPoints/
After a successful film and television run, you’re appearing in short films, too. Tell us more.
Any chance to get in front of a camera is a chance to practice my craft! Sometimes it is for an audition, sometimes a short film, sometimes a feature film or a television show. I am grateful for all opportunities that come my way. Short films can sometimes lead to feature films, and they are a great way to network and meet people in the film industry locally.
You continuously hone your craft. What keeps you inspired?
My love for this job keeps me inspired. It isn’t easy when you audition so many times until you book that next role, but it is worth it. I am constantly inspired by the fact that I am following a dream and making it happen. I am also setting that example for my children, that they can be whatever they want to be.
Thus far, what has been the best experience working in the industry?
Every cast and crew I have worked with have been amazing, I have been very lucky. However, I think my best experience to date on a big production would be my time on The Walking Dead. I played Officer Bello in Season 5. Everyone there was so incredible and down to earth. That experience has led to so many film opportunities, given me followers who keep up with my current projects, and started allowing me to appear at comic cons to promote projects and meet fans. It has been such a blessing.
Do you have any upcoming projects that we haven’t mentioned?
I can’t discuss any of my upcoming projects at this time, but I am still working! I will announce things on my social media as I can.
I will be appearing at Statesville Comic Con (in North Carolina) on February 10th, Marion Comic Con (in North Carolina) on March 3rd, and more yet to be announced!
Complete this sentence, if I had an opportunity to do anything I want, I would do ___________.
Exactly what I am doing! It is an uphill battle, but I am so excited at how well my career is going at this point. I have a couple of television shows that are my “goal shows” to work on one day, but overall, I am happy as long as I am continuing to book work.
Connect with Amber:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/amberfox86
Instagram: https://instagram.com/amberdawnfox
Facebook: https://facebook.com/amberdawnfox
IMDB: http://imdb.com/name/nm6345659
Featured Image Credit: Tim Hester Photography