Your career actually began in elementary school. You starred in school plays and local theater performances. What were some of the roles you played?
This is actually funny. I was a very shy kid in elementary school, but thanks to my very caring 3rd grade teacher, I was encouraged to participate in a Christmas play. I was a part of ensemble at first and quickly realized that being on that stage, rehearsing and going thru plays act by act was making me feel like I belong there, I was happy, I was opening up and making friends! So, I signed up to be a part of the theater class and that’s where it all started. Every summer I was involved in a local theater program and with every play and every role I was growing as an artist and as a person. A lot of my characters were based on real life situations, those were my favorite. I felt like they were helping me and others deal with what us teens were going thru, bullying, peer pressure, middle & high school drama.
How did your childhood aspirations shape your career?
For as far back as I remember, I loved watching movies, TV shows and reading books that were made into movies or plays. I was looking forward to watch a new episode of my favorite TV show and analyze each character. My favorite one was The Fresh Prince of Bellair. I was fascinated by how realistic Will Smith made his character look, feel and sound. I wanted to grow up to be just like him! So I can honestly say that watching shows like that and learning more about the talented actors behind those characters were my true inspirations. I read their biographies, studied their acting style and tried to find something relateable that would give me hope that I can do that one day too! I still follow, continue to learn and be inspired by them.
You strive to be a positive role model on and off screen. Does this means you choose your roles to reflect this?
Yes, very much so. I want to be proud of who I am portraying, I want to be proud of the message I am delivering. I want to entertain you, make you laugh, make you think, make you relate and make you want to watch the movie or the episode more than once. I believe that your choices in your career say a lot about you. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am all about being diversified and open minded. I won’t turn down a role if I am asked to be a bad guy. I am selective of the purpose of the character and the project. I love challenges that require for me to step out of the familiar box and go out of my comfort zone. That’s when my skill, strength and weakness gets really tested. I believe as an actor you are always learning and exploring who you are and how far you can go. Taking acting classes, having a coach and a mentor that you can do this with is a must.
[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HWU8Og0CVo”]
You have several films in pre-production. Let’s talk your two current ones. First, Knockout: The Untold Story of Royce Claxton, you play Royce Claxton / Peyton Carter, which you also have a writer, producer, and director credit.
Knockout – The Untold Story of Royce Claxton is my dream project. It was inspired by my desire for a boxing movie, with a story behind it that would attract viewers that a traditional boxing movie will not. The story surrounds the life and struggles of a son of a former heavyweight professional boxer. It starts with the events in late 1960s, when Royce is only 5-years old and we follow him as he grows up and goes through life. I have most of the cast and crew picked out. We are in the in the process of securing an investor that would help me bring this project to life. Everything else is, ready to go.
Next film is 7 Pillars. You also have a writer and producer credit. You play Nasir Sheppard. Tell us about the film and your role.
This story was inspired by true events. It’s about an injured formal NBA star getting an ultimate second chance in doing what he felt was his calling. 7 Pillars is an emotional, realistic drama with a good feel ending. Nasir Sheppard whose life and career took a major turn after his injury becomes an inspiration and motivation we all need more of in our lives. It will be a movie that you would want our youth to see, so it’s a good fit for a family movie night with life lessons and very relatable. As a matter of a fact, the majority of the cast is local high school students. I can’t wait to start working on this project. We need all the positivity we can get, you know!
We believe an actor should always branch out and try a different skill set, to expand their portfolio. What are your thoughts on this?
Absolutely! If you are not learning, branching out or challenging yourself, you can’t survive as an actor. You have to explore different methods, play different roles, take on different tasks and always try to sharpen your skill and widen your horizons. Diversification is a key in the entertainment business; the more you can do the busier you are.
Can you tell us what you look for from a director’s viewpoint?
Director’s job is not easy, by any means. They have to deal with lots of different personalities, skill levels and set challenges and more. I look for communication and understanding. The director tells the story through the lens via actors skill and ability to bring the character to life. Director has to create that moment, that transition that is needed for that wow effect. The director has to be very detailed, open minded, work great under pressure, and, most important, he has to have an exceptional vision for the look of the final product. He is the painter, who makes the script into pictures.
Looking back on your career, is there anything else you would like to do?
Oh, yes, a ton! I have barely scratched the surface! I would love to be cast in a superhero movie. Always wanted to be a part of something like that. I also want to try stand up comedy. Of course, I think I have plenty of good material. I want to share a set with legends and those that inspire me to be an actor. So, yes, there is a lot that I have on my list of things to accomplish.
What has been the most important lesson you’ve learned, so far, in life?
Do not take anything or anyone for granted. Be patient, work hard, stay humble, stay true to yourself, and believe that if it meant to be it will happen. Take every mistake and every constructive criticism as a lesson learned and move forward. Learn to deal with rejections, because you are going to get lots of them in this business, and keep reaching for the stars.
What are the things in your life that you’re most grateful for?
God, my amazing supporting family, true friends, my coaches and my agent. I am thankful for my fans and my critics! They keep me humble, grounded and focused. I am blessed to have a solid support system and I try my best to make them proud.
What’s next in your career?
Continue to learn, dig dipper, explore and do whatever it takes to improve my craft. The sky is the limit and when you want it bad enough, nothing and no one will stop you. There are so many goals that are yet to be realized, and I am here to stay and make them happen!
Connect with Aaron “Quick” Nelson:
IMDB: http://www.imdb.me/aaronquicknelson
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/IAM_QUICK
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AaronQuickNelson/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aaronquicknelson/
Website: http://www.actoraaronquicknelson.com/