Hi, Brian! Thank you for speaking with us about your latest projects. Let’s talk “The Chi!” You play Detective Wallace. Tell us more.
Yes, I play Detective Wallace. He is an interesting fellow, who looks at police work a little differently I’d say then the other detective character played by the awesome Armando Riesco. But the detective storyline is one of many on our show. And together our all of the storylines are giving the Southside of Chicago a voice that’s not been heard before, whereas when you usually hear about the Southside of Chicago you hear about guns, murder, and violence. Our story is more about the real people in these communities living everyday life like we all are.
Tell us about the exciting storyline.
Like I said, when you hear about the Southside of Chicago from the media you only hear about gun violence and killings. Our story dives deeper and focuses on one of those, the murder of a star high school basketball player, and shows you the ripple effect of that one incident in the surrounding community. And as we see how that affects the people closest to it, we are introduced to some amazing characters that are relatable to all ages.
What is the best part about starring in this series?
Being able to tell an important story like ours on Showtime with an amazingly talented cast of actors and with an awesome creative team of writers, directors, and producers behind it. I don’t think there’s another show like ours and that’s exciting to be a part of.
Did you have to do any research for your character?
You always have to do your homework. Our producers were great about hooking Armando and me up with a Chicago detective, this great guy named John, to talk and consult with. He was so helpful and always available to answer questions and set up ride alongs in the city.
You recently wrapped playing Chuck on the STARZ series “BOSS” starring Kelsey Grammar”. Tell us about the series.
BOSS was actually a few years ago, but that was another great experience with a great story. Kelsey Grammar actually won a Golden Globe for that performance playing the Mayor of Chicago, which he totally deserved. Unfortunately, I never had any scenes with him. There were only two seasons of that show, but I highly recommend going back and watching it. Great show.
What should readers expect to see in “The Chi”?
Really good television that’s gripping, funny, intense and eye-opening. An awesome cast of characters. And just simply good storytelling.
You also continue to do things on the independent level and starring in commercials. How important is it for an actor to diversify their portfolio?
I think you always want to show people what different things you can do. You become an actor to play different people, a wide range of characters, so when people give you the opportunity to do that you have to jump at it. That’s the challenge, but also what’s exciting. If a part scares you, you should probably do it. You’ll be surprised what can happen when you push yourself into the uncomfortable. Which is really important as an actor.
Is there a project you’re working on that we haven’t mentioned?
I’m in a movie coming out this fall called “Widows” that stars Viola Davis and Liam Neeson. And I have an indie I’m working on next month.
Thank you for speaking with us!
Thanks for having me!
Connect with Brian:
IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2444299
Instagram: https://instagram.com/thesonofbozo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bking15