December 22, 2024
David Banks

We had an opportunity to catch up with David Banks on his latest projects. Check out the interview below!

Hi, David! Thank you for granting the interview. It’s been a little over a year since we last spoke. You have been doing some amazing things and we are so geeked to speak with you about your latest projects! First, we want to congratulate you on the release of your book, “How To Make a Living As a Commercial Actor.” We know you’re a successful actor and have mastered the commercial game. Tell us what inspired the book.

Thanks for the kind words.

Well for many years I have been hearing about the struggle that actors have been going through in finding the right agent, getting into the right doors, finding your niche and feeling comfortable in the audition rooms, so I figured I would share some of the tips and shortcuts I have learned over the years to help shave off some of the frustration. After all, this should be a fun game for all of us!

What is a key tip you can share from your book and why is it so important to know it?

You MUST make what you do your own with complete confidence! This is what will set you aside from all the others. Every person is unique and when you are able to let that shine, positive things will start to happen.

The actors who come in and read with no emotions, forget their lines, try to be funny, try to be liked, rush through the scene or are so nervous that basic human functions are compromised, any chance of a fun and authentic read will be completely shattered and the chance of booking the job will be destroyed.

Now we have all been there and there is nothing worse than walking out of an audition with any of those, but on the flip side, there is also no greater feeling than walking out knowing that you killed it in the room.

That’s what keeps us going – that high you feel when you are 100% certain your agent is going to call with some great news. When the casting director thanks you on the way out with a big smile or when everyone in the room looks away from their laptop and laughs out loud at your read or when you shock even yourself on the way home from the improv choices you made or when you trust yourself and know that no matter what choice you make, it will be the right one.

Nobody is capable of bringing your personal uniqueness into the room because you are one of a kind. When you are able to fully embrace that fact, it will ultimately set you apart from the assembly line of standard actors who are constantly seeking approval by pretending to be someone they are not. These needy actors plague audition rooms day in and day out and casting sees right through them.

Be prepared Make strong choices Bring a little bit of our own personality to the role Have fun (Most importantly).

What should readers expect?

I would like to think that the readers can expect to learn a handful of things that they would be able to apply right away. I have been on both sides of this business over the years, waiting for the phone to ring, and then genuinely not caring If it does because I know in my heart that I did the best I could, and of course that is when it always will. [LAUGHS]

You have starred in so many commercials. They are absolutely hilarious! Why are commercials so important for actors?

Commercials are an amazing way to really let loose and be yourself, learn the craft, build your confidence and get connected to your fellow actors, plus meet some awesome people along the way. It’s also a great way to sharpen your tools in between theatrical auditions and shoots.

You are also starring in a short film called “Gregory.” It is appearing at the Festival Corner this year at Cannes in 2018. Awesome! Tell us about the film.

It was an honor to work with John William Ross. I was a fan of his work and it was a no-brainer to jump on board with this one. Going to Cannes was just an extra added bucket list bonus.

When a passenger refuses to give up his seat, the airline sends in their newest employee named ‘Gregory’ to remove him.

We love the fact that the storyline is about a real-life, current global issue. This will resonate with everyone who has traveled by air.

I think it might hit home for more than a few people. Especially with all that is going on lately. I can’t even imagine how anyone in that situation must feel.

What we enjoy most about you is your good-nature, compassion, and willingness to help. Actually, the list is longer than this, but we will stop here! It is really long! LOL

Awwww now that just made my heart melt. I must admit that it’s hard to find quality people really wanting to help others, especially here in Los Angeles because so many have the ME ME ME mentality.

There is plenty of work to go around and instead of looking at your fellow actors working when you are not from a jealous standpoint, try giving them praise and being truly happy for them. Wouldn’t you want the same done for you? God has given us all our own unique individual talents and everyone will bring something different to the table.

You were recently on a panel for Film Con. Tell us about the event and the topics and tips that were shared with the audience.

Film Con was a blast! Being able to share the stage and learn so much from seasoned actors who have been at this far longer than I have was a really great way to fuel my drive for even greater accomplishments. It also recharged my work battery when I needed it most. I went in with a mind of a sponge and literally soaked up as much as I could. Props to Richard Botto and David Rountree for putting it all together. They are two incredible guys!

Do you have any upcoming projects that we haven’t mentioned?

At the moment I am getting ready to shoot a film called Preacher six with Naomi Grossman, Ezra Buzzington, Carmen Argenziano, Eileen Grubba and Kyle Hester
It’s heavy on the action side so I am super excited!

Complete this sentence, if I could be a superhero, I would play ___________ because I like to___________ and the whole world will __________ over my _____________.

AHHHHH Yes, Madlibs! Brings me right back to my teenage years. Right along with Choose Your own Adventure, Capri Sun, Cassette tapes, members only jackets, and Atari!

If I could be a superhero, I would play THE CLUMSIEST SIDEKICK TO THE LAZIEST SUPERHERO IN HISTORY because I like to EAT DONUTS  and the whole world will LAUGH ALONG WITH ME over my IDIOTIC CHOICES.

It’s always an honor to sit and talk with you guys! I’m a big fan and love that we are both in this together!



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