Photo by Lori Dorman Photography
Hi, Debbie! Thank you for chatting with me about traveling during pregnancy. Is traveling with your third child any different from traveling with your first?
Yes, it is! At this point, with number three, I am feeling like a pro! With your first child, everything is new: every kick, twinge of pain, cramp, etc. The first time you don’t know what to expect and you do tons of research trying to find out everything you can about pregnancy and this new life growing inside of you. Now that I am seasoned, I know the ins and outs of pregnancy and the tricks of traveling while preggo. I love to travel and have been blessed with healthy pregnancies that have allowed me to continue my passion to explore new destinations.

I’m certain you must be cautious of certain things. How do you prepare to travel?
Caution is key. In my opinion, you can never be too cautious when it comes to your pregnancy. Always run any potential trips and destinations by your doctor. It’s best to keep doc in the loop regarding all travel, timelines and any actives you plan to do on your trip. I also recommend heading in for a prenatal checkup a few days before you head out on your vacation to ensure baby and mama are looking good.
Another key to remember while traveling is to avoid new foods that you are not accustomed to. You don’t want to eat something that doesn’t agree with you and risk getting sick on your trip. Make sure you are enjoying foods that are cooked thoroughly and drinking water that is bottled to avoid any chemicals in the tap water at your destination. Also, be cautious of any insects (especially in tropical or hot climates) and take the necessary precautions.
Also, the location must factor in. Do you travel abroad, domestic, or both?
Both! There are so many beautiful and relaxing places to visit abroad and right here in the USA. And let’s face it, during pregnancy a relaxing vacation is what most mommies-to-be want and need. Even a “staycation” can be fun if you are worried about being too far from home. You can choose a local hotel or a spot in the next town over to get away and just relax. I have done all of the above and totally recommend a babymoon for all pregnant women. We deserve it! Wherever you choose, be sure to pick a location that isn’t too remote. You want to have access to medical care and a hospital just in case. Before you go, know where the nearest hospital and/or doctors office is and be sure it’s no more than 30 minutes away from your destination.
With my current pregnancy, Zika is now a factor. I didn’t have to deal with this potentially harmful virus during my last pregnancies, but that just goes to show every pregnancy is different and environmental circumstances while you are pregnant can change from year to year. The Center for Decease Control recommends no one who is pregnant or planning to become pregnant travel to areas where there are cases of the Zika virus. You can check on locations on the CDC’s website www.cdc.gov/zika/index.html. So this year in choosing travel locations, my list of possibilities was a lot shorter due to the fact that Zika is found in many tropical destinations. I even had to turn down a film role this year due to that fact that Zika virus was widely spread in a location the movie was being shot. It was a bummer for me, but you can never be too careful when it comes to your baby. This year we chose to venture to one of our favorite islands, Maui! This island is a perfect choice for us as it has hospitals and doctors offices near our hotel, our insurance works there, there is no Zika and most importantly, it is a tropical paradise perfect for two lovebirds looking to relax and enjoy each other before our little bundle of joy is born.
How do you handle fatigue?
I suggest traveling during your second trimester as this is the time when most women feel the best. The first trimester is all morning sickness and your body adjusting to pregnancy and your third trimester is full of back pain and ligament stretching due to your growing belly. Second-trimester travel is your best bet and when you are most likely to enjoy your travels the most. You don’t want to travel too late into pregnancy due to the risk of having your baby early. Being away from home and going into labor would be very stressful, so use caution when traveling during trimester three. Second-trimester travel will help you combat pregnancy fatigue as it is when most women have the most energy. Be sure to take lots of naps and use your vacation to be restful. Go at your own pace and listen to your body. No one knows you better than you.
Which mode of transportation is great for traveling during a pregnancy?
I have traveled by plane and car during pregnancy and both can be great options. Just be cautious about long car rides if you have trouble with car sickness. Be sure to stop often, get fresh air and keep your eyes up (not reading or on your phone) and this will help with nausea. Traveling by plane is my favorite mode of transportation because it is the quickest when you are making your way to destinations of any far distance. I suggest drinking lots of water, as hydration is key. Be sure to book an aisle seat so you have room to stretch your legs and can get up often to walk and use the restroom (pregnancy and drinking lots of water will force you to use the restroom often). You will also feel less claustrophobic on the aisle seat as you have one side open. The window and middle seat can make you feel boxed in and can be a tough spot during pregnancy.
What are your must-haves during your travels?
I always have a water bottle with me as it is so important to hydrate during travel. A comfy blanket, calming music, and headphones are also a must in my car bag or carry-on. I always have some sort of mints and hard candy with me as well. I find they help with nausea during travel. I also suggest a little pillow or blanket to use as lumbar support during traveling. This can really help ease back pain during long trips. I love packing a small travel size eucalyptus or lavender oil as well. I am sensitive to smells during pregnancy, as most women are, and if there is a smell that I don’t like I pull out my oils and smell them to drown out whatever aroma is making my stomach turn. Last, but not least, bring a cute ultrasound picture of the little babe in your belly with you. You can get a great shot of you holding baby’s first photo in your chosen destination.

What are three “Good to Know” facts about traveling during pregnancy?
Don’t pack your trip full of things to do. Remember, you are pregnant; you need to take things slow and relax. Even if you normally run around seeing everything on vacation, this time is different. Your body needs more rest than normal.
Find a good maternity or travel photographer for your trip. There is nothing like maternity photos on the beach or in the snow to have as a keepsake. My go-to travel photographer is Flytographer (https://www.flytographer.com/). They capture vacation memories all over the world. I’ve been using them since 2010 and I’ve loved every shoot. Remember, you’ll never be able to get these pregnancy moments back, so capture everything you can.
Bring your prenatal vitamins with you. If you are traveling on a plane, be sure to pack them in your carry-on just in case your luggage is lost. These are necessary to keep you and baby healthy and a must for any destination.
Do you have any upcoming travel destinations?
I recently traveled to Malibu to celebrate Valentine’s Day with my hubby. It is about an hour and a half from our home so it was sort of like a “staycation” for us. It is a great pregnancy destination as it has great year-round weather, no Zika and the beautiful beach scenery to enjoy. It was a lovely weekend getaway!
I also flew to New York for a quick trip right at the beginning of my second trimester. I was cleared to go by my doctor and made sure to pack extra warm clothes as it was 20 degrees during my travel time. I am a Southern California resident, so needless to say, I am not accustomed to weather below 60 degrees. Having a warm coat and hat were key to mine and baby’s comfort during my NYC getaway. I used Flytographer to capture maternity pictures of me and my baby bump in New York’s famed Central Park. I will treasure these photos for years to come. I had a great time exploring museums, eating in NYC’s abundance of delicious restaurants and relaxing at cute coffee shops (decaf for me please). You can see more from my trip on my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/debbiesherm/). This trip required a 5-6 hour flight and I drank plenty of water, got up continually to walk and parked myself on an aisle seat to ensure I would be as comfortable as possible.
Next stop for me is Maui. My hubby and I have planned a “babymoon” and I will be traveling right at the beginning of my 6th month of pregnancy. The baby will be the size of a grapefruit during travel (fun proud mommy fact). This will be my last trip that is more than two hours from home. I like to stay close to home during my third trimester just in case baby tries to make an early debut. We will be taking maternity photos in Maui. As you know, I think it’s so important to capture memories of your growing baby bump. We plan on relaxing on the beach and really using this time to enjoy each other and relax before baby number three enters this world. You can catch up with me and see photos from my upcoming trip on my site (www.debbie-sherman.com). Side note, when traveling to hot destinations, be sure to hydrate and protect yourself from the sun. It can be dangerous if your belly gets a sunburn or if baby gets too warm inside of your body, so be sure to load up on sunscreen and stay cool.
What advice would you give to someone considering traveling during a pregnancy?
Do it! Be sure to always check with your doctor first, but as long as you have the clear from your OB be sure to partake in exploring new destinations and enjoying the sun, sand, mountains, snow or whatever tickles your fancy. Being pregnant and having kids doesn’t mean you can’t travel anymore, it just means you get to do it in a new and exciting way! It is a welcomed change for me and husband and we really enjoy traveling while pregnant and traveling with our sweet kiddos. Cheers to all the pregnant moms out there! Embrace your sweet bellies and all of your travel ambitions!
Connect with Debbie:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DebbieSherman33
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Web: http://www.debbie-sherman.com