We will list a link to her channel at the end of this interview.
Hi, Linnea! We’re excited to learn more about Brainless Agenda. Tell us what inspired the series.
My first episode was meant to be a one-off and was born out of a lifetime of annoyance at the entertainment industry. I never thought I would continue producing more after that. My first episode, Daily Life of an Actress was created months before the Harvey Weinstein news broke and was just an expression of my experiences as a female actor in this industry. It is about a male filmmaker casting his newest project. The requirements he lists, like full frontal nudity, must be hot, needs to shave head, needs over a million followers… these are all things that show up on casting breakdowns all the time. Of course, #TimesUp. Things are changing. It’s awesome. I definitely had nothing to do with the change… but that episode did have hundreds of views and went viral in a couple acting-related Facebook groups before the Harvey news broke, so mayyyybeeeee it was all because of me?? /s
Hey! You never know! It’s quite possible your video played a huge role. So, tell us. What type of series it?
Brainless Agenda is a short form digital, animated, one-minute, sketch comedy show. Every episode features a different brand of ignorance easily recognized today. Each character is uncomfortably relatable to a different demographic, and if you’re as heavily entwined in social media as the millennial generation, you will resonate with all of them.
You have done voiceover work and even appeared in Marvel’s Avengers Academy Game as Nebula. Was there a particular event or time in your life, when you decided filmmaking was going to be your career?
Pretty early! I’ve been acting since I was a kid. In drama camp is when I decided to pursue acting and after college and moving to NYC I realized producing my own content was going to be a huge part of my life.
As you enter the realm of a webseries, what makes a production great for you?
You just cannot miss a beat anymore. There are no excuses to have a bad production because people are SO talented and SO hardworking. Technology makes the process so accessible. A great webseries has everything a great TV series has. Production value, great writing, and great acting.
It is said that it all starts with the script, then an amazing cast. What are your thoughts on this?
In Brainless Agenda I am everything, writer, director, voice, illustrator, producer – so of course, I agree! I’m lucky to have training and experience in everything I do. Creating one, one-minute episode is a lot of work! First comes the inspiration from something dumb I notice. Then I let my brain do whatever it wants for a few days, compiling jokes and images and character development. When I feel ready I draft a script. After that, I’ll sketch a character. From there I’ll record and then I’ll work with my animator to put it all together. The whole process can take anywhere from a week to a month per episode.
What has been the most important lesson you had to learn from producing Brainless Agenda? How did that lesson happen?
Since the entire production is just me, right now I get to make all of the executive decisions. If I find a concept and episode funny, I go for it and don’t really think about the audience. I’m just glad I made myself laugh. As the series gets bigger and more people get involved, there will be less of that. So I am enjoying it while I can!
You’re also known for your voiceover work. Tell us how did you get your start?
Years ago I was hired to act in a radio play series about zombies. We met weekly to record and they taught me everything about recording, voice modulation, editing, mastering. I asked a lot of questions. It was extremely valuable! There is nothing like getting paid to learn. After that, I build my own studio!
Thus far, what has been the best experience working in the film industry?
Working on Marvel’s Avengers Academy was so amazing. I had no idea how popular the series was. After my characters were released, fans added me to Wikipedia pages and messaged me randomly about loving my voice. It was so great!
I bet! Marvel fans are huge supporters of the characters. Do you have any upcoming projects that we haven’t mentioned?
More episodes of Brainless Agenda! Please follow @BrainlessAgenda on Instagram. It is also on YouTube if you’re into that sort of thing.
In the acting world, I’ll also be shooting a feature film in North Carolina later this year. I also produce shorts and sketches. I’m a comedy writer and a writer for Backstage Magazine. I’ve got a lot of eggs in a lot of baskets!
Awesome! We are excited about your new endeavors. Complete this sentence, if I had an opportunity to do anything I want, I would do ___________.
Bigger and better projects! Keep ‘em coming!
Connect with Linnea:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/linnayeahhh/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/linneasage
Facebook: http://facebook.com/actresslinneasage
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3940783/
Website: http://www.linneasage.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8HJTiIoCins0tu6zCRjb0w