March 15, 2025

Jihye Lee is a name that is quickly turning heads in the world of Jazz large ensemble writing.  It’s a tale that neither herself nor many would have managed when she declared herself a jazz composition major at Berklee College of Music in 2011 after starting as a pop indie singer in Seoul, Korea but here she is today, soaring to new heights with the release of Daring Mind, a very adventurous landscape of sounds and rhythms that live up to the title name of this album.  It is her sophomore recording and her debut for Motéma Records.  Here she collaborates with the prolific composer and Secret Society Band Leader, Darcy James Argue, and world-renowned trumpeter, Sean Jones.

The nine-track sonic tapestry opens up with “Relentless Mind” featuring Sean Jones and Alan Ferber and is a hypnotic composition that takes the listener by the hand and embarks on a journey through Lee’s various states of thoughts and emotions during her life in New York.  The nine compositions are selections from her ‘Mind’ series, which unabashedly show us a  glimpse into her personal life story.  With a range of emotions from fear, anger, to joy and exultation, Lee holds nothing back and it is an exciting listen as we feel the juxtaposition of vulnerability and immense power.  “Unshakable Mind” is filled with determination, which Lee talks about as a struggle that many artists can encounter living in an environment like New York.  I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Lee, but with this incredible music I imagine she is an incredible human being as well, and the tribute to her friend entitled “Suji” must be for an amazing person as well.  Filled with gratitude it is a beautiful composition, to say the least.  “Daring Mind” comes from an answer by Wayne Shorter when he was asked, “what is jazz?” to which he famously responded, “To me, jazz means: I dare you!”  It is an ideology that Lee has embraced wholeheartedly in not only this composition but throughout the entire album.  The buoyancy that one can literally hear serves well for “Revived Mind”, which deals with the rebirth, and we can hear it in this playful composition that is childlike in many ways.  “Struggle gives your strength” features Sean Jones “Preaching” the good word with his trumpet in this gospel-like selection, consoling those going through adversity that brighter days are ahead.  The blues-infused composition “Why is that” harks back to the origins of jazz and is an emotion that, while not exclusively felt in New York, is something that many artists have felt at times living in the big apple.

The sudden tempo changes that go from slow to fast seem to be asking the question, why is that?  “Dissatisfied mind” is truly unique, and perfectly captures the nagging thoughts that constantly lurks all artists and many other professions.  It’s a feeling of doubt that is always in the back of the mind, no matter what level of success that is achieved.  There’s always that idea “It could have been better or it’s not enough!”  Ah, the gift and curse of the artist striving for perfection!  Our journey with Lee ends with the composition “GB” which comes full circle with Jones’s trumpet sounding the farewell song.

While the world of jazz has never been exclusive it’s definitely apparent that this art form has left “the nest” and has settled down all over the world.  It’s music that flows through men and women from all walks of life, and Lee is definitely a testament to this fact. While she has been definitely influenced by Jim McNeely and Maria Schneider, she definitely is coming into her own voice.  This entire thematic album can almost be the soundtrack to a movie, but this comes as no surprise as Lee has expressed an interest in this field as well.  If her determination and quality of work on this album are any indications of what she can do, I do not doubt that she can and WILL achieve this.  It was an absolute honor to listen to this album and I hope everyone takes notice of this rising star that is shining so brightly!

Photos by  Hyemi Kim and Honey Wilkinson

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