Hi, Amy! Thank you for chatting with us about your projects. You’ve starred in films, web series, and even a music video. What an exciting career. Is acting something you always wanted to do?
Yes and no… I always had a love for the arts and creativity but I never consciously thought I wanted to be an actor until I was older. It’s funny because looking back I always used to roleplay a bunch of different occupations because they made such an impact on me. It sounds sad, but I would go to the zoo with my family and then come home and set up my own make-believe zoo and invite my family in. I would do this for nearly every job under the sun. I’m lucky they were so tolerant [Laughs].
I loved drama classes at secondary school because it was the only thing I felt consistently good at, plus it felt like such a release from judgment, peer pressure or sitting behind a desk. Working as a team, exploring characters, going into different worlds/tuning out of my own reality and being complimented was really gratifying for me. One day my friend and I were watching a film at the cinema and she said how she wanted to be the actress; I disagreed saying I wanted to be the character. It wasn’t until I lost my dad at age 14 that I had the epiphany; “it’s now or never”., Since then I just went for it and worked hard to make a positive impression and book jobs, especially without an agent. It’s always been a part of me I just didn’t let it free so to speak, and now I can’t imagine doing anything else. But, I’m only just getting started.
Tell us about your favorite roles you’ve played.
My favorite role I played was for a showreel scene in which I played Jess, a troubled, twisted and psychotic girl. I read the script where it was originally intended for me to play a teenager visiting a parent in jail, but I took to the dark atmosphere and wanted to reverse the roles and go for that. It was a huge challenge for me, one that was nerve-wracking and demanding but I cared about it a lot. I learned so much and it was great to expand to a darker side. People seemed to really take to my performance which was such a compliment. That’s the incredible thing about acting – it makes you face your fears. It was a great experience as an actor, I really enjoyed it.
2017 is a bust year for you. You are starring in several productions. We know you can’t talk about the projects, but please share your excitement with us on the many roles you will play.
I’m so excited about the range of roles I’ll get to play this year and next. All of them are diverse and special to me. I love roles that are fresh and challenging and have some substance behind them. I’m beyond grateful to be presented with some already and collaborate with creative geniuses and people I look up to. I have recently been discussing with a filmmaker a very gritty role in a feature film. The script is really interesting – I’ve kind of fallen in love with it.
Is there a production you can share with us?
The main one is a new TV drama “Emergency: LA”. It follows the drama of emergency service personnel in LA as well as their personal lives. I play the younger sister to a lead in the show (appearing in more than 5 out of 13 episodes of the first season). My character becomes inspired leading to her gaining determination and brings out something in her; I might even use the word bravery. I think it’s going to be very interesting to see the response from viewers as I believe the show has a bit of everything in there. You’ll see what I mean! Production is currently making final preparations before filming commences at major studios (Warner Bros, LA Centre Studios etc) later this year.
Knights of the Damned completed filming and is currently in promotions. The premiere is August 2017. We’re attending the event. I’m sure you’re excited about its release. Tells us about your character.
I played Bethany and although it was a small part, I really enjoyed exploring a new essence from any other character I’ve played before. It was cool to be in a period film as well. She’s super shy and wants to stay out of harm’s way as much as possible; which is why I was surprised when I found out what they wanted to happen with her next.
A release is exciting. Do you have any special plans to celebrate?
I’m grateful that I was given a part in the film and will share screen time with some hardworking and dedicated actors. I would love to make the premiere but I may not be in the UK. I’m really hoping I will be though. This is my first ever feature film so I’ll certainly celebrate by grabbing a copy when it’s released!
Thus far, what has been the best experience working in the entertainment industry?
All the projects I have taken part in have been great experiences in one way or another. I’m lucky I haven’t had a bad experience to date and have worked with some of the nicest people. The best experiences are when the cast and crew are passionate, just loving what they’re doing. People pick up on that and it creates a welcoming/family-like environment. To me, nothing can beat that. I got that feeling most in my first ever theatre performance.
Do you have any upcoming projects that we haven’t mentioned?
Yes, I’ve just signed on for a Western TV pilot, filming in New Mexico this winter. Really looking forward to it.
Complete this sentence, if I had an opportunity to do anything I want, I would do ___________.
I just want to soak it up while I can. I want to work with passionate and talented filmmakers and play interesting characters in interesting films. I would love to lead an action feature, that’s the dream. However, I don’t really give much thought to the future, I want to go with the flow because I certainly would never have predicted all the things that have happened thus far.
She’s super cool!!