We had an opportunity to chat with Kerry. Check her interview below.

Hi, Kerry! Thank you for speaking with us about your latest projects. Congrats on working with award-winning film company, IronStar Films. Tell us about Tellurian, which you also have a producer credit for.
It’s a post-apocalypic sci-fi drama about an alien invasion, which destroys the earth’s government and decimates the population, leaving the remaining pockets of resistance fighting for survival. My character, Ava ‘Breaker’ Breakwell, is described as a cross between Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor – a fierce soldier, loyal to the cause. In her youth, she met and teamed up with Mike Walsh, played by Scottish actor Craig McGinlay (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword) and together with their team, they become the protectors of Seth, the last remaining child on earth, who may or may not be all that he seems. It has been one of the most amazing and rewarding acting experiences of my career, thus far. To be surrounded by so much talent both in front and behind the character – this will be my second outing with fellow actors Paisley Buddie and Craig McGinlay, who is a wonderful actor and leading man, and a joy to work with. I had wished to work with IronStar Films for a while, and with Tellurian, came my opportunity. When I was contacted by Director and Writer Graeme Carr to say that I had secured the role of ‘Breaker’, I was thrilled. Filming is ongoing – I should be back onset in July, in the meantime the team, including our wonderful Cinematographer Dean Pearson are all working very hard behind-the-scenes!
You’re starring in the film Kingdom: Fall of Illandrieal. Tell us about your character.

In Kingdom: Fall of Illandrieal, I play the character of ‘Germaine’, a bow-weilding shieldmaiden and loyal partner to protagonist and true heir of Illandrieal, Balfour (played by Chris O’Mara, my co-star from Tellurian). For my character, let’s just say that it’s a great thing I love archery! She is very physical and an extremely well-rounded character from Screenwriter Fred Arrowsmith. It will be a joy to play her.
Let’s talk about your character development. How do you approach playing a character? Do you use a particular method?
It really depends on the project and a whole list of other things! Experience is education; education is experience. Your approach can be attributed to a lot of things; including the people you work with and how dark or light-hearted the drama. Some people like to find the character on their own, live as their character separate from the production – and come fully prepared to set. I admire that. However for me, I find my balance between my initial response to a character and stepping onto that set for the first time, in costume. It’s a process and hard to put into words.
Playing action roles can be challenging, but a lot of fun. What do you do to prepare for action roles?
I’m lucky that I am very physical person, with a thirst for learning new things. If I’m capable, I’ll do it. Every new role requires a new set of skills – so I have been adding to my skill-set as I go and thus, opening new doors for myself – and having a lot of fun along the way!
Is their one character in your career that you relate to on a personal level?
No matter what the role, you always have to find a way to identify with your character. I’ve played the hero – I’ve played the villain. It’s about understanding your character and the way their mind works. The script tells you what happens to your character – it’s your job to find what motivates them and what makes them do the things they do, understanding your character’s psychology. Every role is a new experience.

Your schedule for 2017 is jammed packed. How do you unwind between projects?
I am very lucky to have a close-knit group of friends and family. I’m not really one for relaxing – I love the outdoors. I love spontaneous adventures – I make the most of the time I have, and there is no better company than those around you whom you love.
Is there a role you haven’t starred in that you would like to play?
I feel like I have a bucket list – and I am ticking my way through it! When I was little, my heroes were these strong, independent characters I saw portrayed on film – I was inspired by so many actors and the characters they brought to life. I wanted to be a part of it, but I knew I had to make it my own – I admired the craft. There is so much great television in Britain at the moment and with that, hopefully there will be more opportunity. I’ve been completely blown away by shows, such as BBC’s Peaky Blinders, and most recently, Broadchurch on ITV. I love drama. One of the biggest shows to be filmed in Scotland right now is Outlander – absolutely everyone wants to get on it – it’s an incredible production. I’m keeping my fingers crossed!
Thus far, what has been the best experience working in the industry?

The Gaelic King. It was my first feature film and thus will always hold a special place in my heart. It was entirely shot in my home country of Scotland – we spent days surrounded by nothing other than the beautiful Scottish landscape and when you’re there, in costume, it is easy to immerse yourself in the time period you are portraying. I met some incredible people and it was an experience I am very grateful for and shall never forget. I saw it on the big screen, which was exclusive to the cast and crew in December 2016, ahead of it’s worldwide release in July of 2017. I am very proud of what award-winning Director Philip Todd has achieved with his incredible team, and am very proud to have been a part of it.
Do you have any upcoming projects that we haven’t mentioned?
I have recently been announced as ‘Eogwen’, a leading figure in the upcoming Hunters Hunted, the first film set within the Chronicles of Ollundra. The film is in the early stages of pre-production; the principle cast has been announced and I am very excited to be working with some very talented established and up-and-coming actors. It is a wonderful and daring script from Screenwriter Craig Teal, and I am blessed to have been chosen for such a fantastic role. I have already begun my physical training in preparation for the role.

Complete this sentence, if I had an opportunity to do anything I want, I would do ___________.
I decided long ago that this was what I wanted to do and I am prepared for the long road ahead. I recently attended the BAFTA Scotland Award Ceremony along with the cast of Tellurian, where I met Scottish actors James MacAvoy, Sam Heughan, and Peter Capaldi for the first time, all absolute gentlemen and phenomenal talents, who spoke a great deal about the Scottish film industry. Mr Capaldi especially gave some great advice when asking about our projects. It was a pleasure to speak to and receive advice from such an established, talented actor, who’s worked I have followed and admired for years. Truly humbling, as he offered a great deal of encouragement. My only wish is to continue through the journey I am on and I shall, so long as I have breath in me. I shall never stop. There is no other career like this; you are forever learning. I have worked with some terrific directors and casting directors and I am currently on the lookout for a new agent to take my career to the next step. Until then, I continue on my own personal journey.
Connect with Kerry Browne:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KerryBrowne_
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kerrybrowneactor
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6276897/