Is there a story behind your name?
Hi, my name is Wiktoria Wabnyc and my name has a very romantic story that I love to share with others. During World War 2, my great grandpa of German heritage fell in love with my great grandma of Polish heritage. However, due to the conflict between the two countries during the war, it wasn’t accepted in our society for my grandparents to be together. Thus, my grandpa moved to Poland, changed his name and married my grandma. On the other hand, I am of Polish heritage, but I grew up in London, UK.
[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAHno9YDU2E”]
That is a lovely story! So tell us why did you become an actress? What kind of training have you had?
I became an actress because of the simple reason that I have a very strong passion for acting. When I act, it all seems real to me. For me acting is living in the imaginary circumstances, it’s convincing. You must believe in the actions you are taking and the words that you are speaking. It’s not an easy job, but the one I enjoy the most.
In 2009, I began taking acting classes at my secondary school. I then decided that I want to push myself and take things further. In 2015, I joined an award winning, part-time, drama school called 360 Arts. This is when it all started. I worked on several scripts and had the opportunity to audition for films such as Conjuring 2, etc. Ever since, I had continue progressing and developing through attending different workshops at places, such as Rada.
You have a new film soon to release called Trial and Error. You’re playing Maia. Tell us about the movie and your role.
Trial and Error is a feature film based on the theme of pressure and how it affects young vulnerable teenagers. The film centers around the story of three teenagers: Maia, Taylor, and Noah, who are pressured into making hard decisions that changes their lives forever. The key debate battled in the film is whether the characters will let the pressure define them?
The film is based in South-East London and is produced by Hanton Films. I play the character of Maia, who receives a scholarship to study in one of the top universities. Throughout the film, my character discovers how to stand up to her father and her school, to follow what she thinks is the right thing to do.
We can’t wait to see it! Trial and Error is your first feature film appearance. Tell us how you got the role.
I was very lucky to book a lead role in feature film. I first heard about Trial and Error through a casting call website called Mandy.com. I heard about the website from my headshot photographer, who told me about the site. One of the requirements for auditions for Trial and Error was to send in a self-tape of myself performing a monologue. Having to read the brief for Maia, who in the film is very uncertain in knowing what she wants. I have picked a monologue called, Confused Teen, which is about a teenager who questions everything she has been told by others. The director liked my audition and I signed the contract a week after.
That’s awesome! Did you have to do any research to play Maia?
Yes, I’ve booked the role in September 2015, but filming didn’t commence until late December 2015, hence, I had a few months of doing my character research and working on the script. I could write a whole essay on how I prepared for the role. The very first steps were understanding the script, identifying the characteristics of my character through what she does, what she says and what others say about her. I then worked on the subtext of the script, to find the truth within the words. After that, I went into my depth about my character by looking at her background. This were the very first few steps I took to prepare for the role.
Your career has just begun. Is there a film director you would like to work with?
My goal is to work with as many directors as I possibly can. I would love to work with Christian Ditter, who directed, Love, Roise, that was one of my favourite films. Gary Ross, who directed The Hunger Games and Adam Shankman, who directed A Walk to Remember. All these films consist of a beautiful flow of energy and cinematography. They are full of surprises that keep you engaged in the film.
I would also love to get involved in a Drama TV series such as Pretty Little Liars directed by: Chad Lowe, Elodie Keene, and Oliver Goldstick.

Now that you’ve starred in a feature film, what else would you like to accomplish?
My goal by the end of this year, is to improve my skills as an actor, book a TV role, and continue to work on feature films. Before the end of 2017, I aim to book another lead role in a feature film.
Are there any other current, or upcoming works you can mention?
I have just recently wrapped filming on an action feature film called WHO:4, where I played a secret agent called, Emily. I am currently due to start working on another feature film and a short film called, Two Wrongs.
How has your acting experience been, thus far?
My acting experience has been a roller-coaster that I never want to get off from. I have put 110% in every audition that I have done and every role that I’ve committed to. With acting, there comes a lot of rejections, but I just filter the negatives with the positives. The one thing I have learned is that there is no failure, you can’t fail if you keep trying. You won’t book every role you audition for, but that’s okay because every audition is an opportunity to get seen and build up your experiences.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
In five years, I want to continue doing what I love and what fulfills me. In terms of acting, I would like to have booked a TV role, 10+ feature films, and get my 01 Visa.
When you’re not acting, what do you like to do most?
When I am not acting, I like to travel around the world and in London, UK. I enjoy exploring the world, going onto adventures and meeting new people. Also, I am interested in media and marketing, so when I am not acting I work as a PR for Perfect Form Ltd company. In addition, I enjoy art and ice skating.
What’s next for you?
Right now, I want to focus on improving my craft. Taking as many acting classes as I can and just having fun with it all.
Connect with Wiktoria:
Web: http://www.castingcallpro.com/uk/actor/profile/wiktoria-wabnyc-1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wiktoriawabnycactress
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheVickyxXx
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6281249
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tori_pancake