When did the journey toward creating an LGBT celebrity podcast begin?
In 2016, I launched my celebrity/blog site www.scottmcglynn.net which I interviewed a lot of reality TV stars, such as RuPaul’s Drag Race contestants and much more. I also enjoyed chatting and finding out details on the behind-the-scene stuff, too. I also released my LGBT book “OUT” last year and my memoir is a “coming out story” in the late 90s. I combined the two and made my show, “The Scott McGlynn Show,” which has just been amazing! I’m truly grateful and pleased people are enjoying the show.
What has been the easiest part of its creation? The challenges?
The easiest was buying the laptop! HA! My good friend, Polly James, is a Radio presenter, so having her show me everything made my life a lot easier. The two most challenging things must be getting the correct equipment. I had to get the right mic and software. Also, finding guests and chasing them up. My content is very LGBT based, so hunting people down and hoping they come on the show was fun. I have been blessed to have so many amazing guests on already sharing their coming out stories.
What have you learned from LGBT community in the last five years?
It’s very interesting. Every day someone new will tweet me or email me asking for advice, which I absolutely love. The laws are changing for the LGBT community from marriage to children, which is an amazing thing! But unfortunately, I still hear and get told about school. There’s not much changing in schools, which, right now, I’m working on something with Stonewall to bring that support and education to schools.
Do you feel like there’s more work to be done? Do you have an idea of what needs to change?
The school’s education certainly has to be changed, most defiantly. We must teach young children and teenagers about the LGBT community and even create gay sex education classes because it’s not just a “Man & Woman” that has relationships it’s “Man & Man and Woman & Woman”.
Do you feel your podcast is the conduit in helping bridge that gap between the LGBT all communities?
It’s two reasons why I decided to do the podcast show. The first reason is to help listeners understand the gay community and to help others on coming out, or on a situation like bullying or careers. The second reason is for entertainment. The guests I have on are celebrities. They’re inspirational to their support and fan base. They can listen and enjoy them talking about funny and embarrassing stories plus hear advice. It’s an all round show for everyone. I did a lot of research before starting off. It’s nice to know there’s not another show like mine that brings LGBT role models onto their shows. That makes it more exciting for me.
How do you choose a guest to interview?
I’ve been working in the showbiz world for a while. Last year, all written interviews were on my site at www.scottmcglynn.net, so I made a few friends which I just loved and brought them onto the show. But also, I chat to my guests seven to ten days before any recording via email or on Twitter chatting. I list what I would like to chat about. It’s good prep (haha)!! I loved all my guests. So far, all of them are different; different stories and backgrounds. I got so many exciting ones coming up! One for sure I can not wait to get on. He’s going to be good!
Share some of your best podcasting moments.
My second episode I had Daniel Franzese (Mean Girls), which I was really nervous about. I was new to it all and he was a Hollywood actor from my favorite movie but he loved it. He complimented me so much on what I was doing and on me and Justin (my fiance) about our wedding and more. So it turned into all about me. Also, David Yost (Power Rangers). I sounded like a fan (haha), as I grew up watching him. But he loved it and we met in London after we had a good laugh.
What inspires you in life?
Motivation! It’s a huge drive to me. My show has been going for eight months and it’s growing, but I’m still motivated to do more and get better. I’m in talks on doing a live event meet and greet version of the show. It drives me! I’m also a positive person. My friends always say that I’m always so happy and it brightens up their day, which I do. I always find the positive out of a negative.
Thus far, what has been the best experience of your show?
Honestly, all of it. I fully enjoy it, from researching the guest to editing it’s so much fun. I love it all. One of the best ideas I come up with.
Do you have any upcoming projects that we haven’t mentioned?
I have radio shows coming up. I’ll be doing live podcasting at Pride Cymru (My home town pride). I’m also working later this year with Stonewall. Right now, I’m doing my 10-week challenge on cyber bullying. I had tweets and Instagram comments on the way I sound and look, and how I could never be a man’s man in fitness. So I took the positive thing to show them I can do just as much as any other man.
Complete this sentence, if I had an opportunity to do anything I want, I would do ___________.
To have number one podcast show. To be able to travel the world and meet LGBT community everywhere. Have my own TV show and bring the podcast show to the screen. They are my top three things right now.
Social Media
Twitter – https://twitter.com/ScottyMcGlynn
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/scottmcglynnofficial/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/ScottyMcGlynn1/
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