The song begins with an ethereal opening led by the strumming of an acoustic guitar. The instrumentals quickly transition into a driving tempo filled with heavy drums and electrifying guitars. The instrumentals and vocals resemble an 80’s power ballad and will have you headbanging throughout. Whether you’re looking to scream at the top of your lungs about being an outcast, or thinking about past feelings, “Southwest Chief” is a rock n’ roll anthem you won’t want to miss.
The band’s origins go back to November of 2019 in Nashville when two embers guitarist Ed Taylor and Ishmael Herring (a.k.a. Milo) as lead vocalist, got the idea to bring the band together. Jump forward to 2020 when 2 more members, Andrew Cremmins (drums) and Brian Coffey(bass joined the band, completing 7Descent. All of the band members were brought together by the great power of Craigslist. The band’s overall inspirations range anywhere from classic/indie rock, all the way to Hip-Hop. Bands such as the Ramones, Judas Priest, and Greenday are all said to have played roles in the influence of 7Descent.
For further information on the band, visit the following links: