March 21, 2025

To Canada by way of Lebanon, Raphaela is a multicultural singer/songwriter. She aims to evoke wonder and daydreaming in her audience through her timeless, affectionate, and mature-sounding voice, lyrics, and melodies.

The artist’s latest track, “Be My Hero,” stemmed from a feeling of wanting to finally start taking care of herself and placing boundaries where in the past she wouldn’t have. The song represents Raphaela’s journey over the last few years of  striving to become a version of herself that she’s proud of –  Someone who  says “no,” who works towards achieving her dreams unapologetically, and who does all that while remaining kind and authentic to others, but most importantly, towards herself.

The artist confides, ‘Sometimes it’s harder to place boundaries with those you love than those you hate. As a recovering people-pleaser, oftentimes I’ve sacrificed many of my own values and guiding core principles for fear of losing those I love. I’ve learned that placing boundaries means showing people what you will and will not accept, and ultimately, this always serves the relationship for the better and steers it towards the right direction it’s meant to go in, whatever that may be’.

You can listen to the track here

Artwork by Alex Boone/source Auteur Research

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