Beacon Bloom, the electronic trio from New Zealand, are Ryan Ferris, James Allen, and Joss Doge. Taking inspiration from the best of European nightlife, the outfit continues to push the boundaries of music and multimedia in both the virtual and physical worlds.
Their latest release ‘Nothing Here But You’ narrates the felt experience of mania, the breakdown of consensus reality, and the conviction that you are the only thing in existence. Showcasing some of their most danceable work to date, this is a groove-centered club track framing Beacon Bloom’s trademark vocals, transporting you to the jungles. The expedition begins with the sound of teeming insects and tropical birds high in the canopy, while a wind instrument invokes unnameable forces from the undergrowth. Across the track’s seven minutes and twenty seconds, Beacon Bloom packs a huge number of elements into an apparently simple structure: swung, tribal drums playing off against a straight synth line; signature vocals that wave around like cellophane, and an epic arpeggio that wouldn’t be out of place on the first volume of Northern Exposure. The result is transcendent in an oddly specific way, conjuring the breakdown of consensus reality.
The one-take video is a fever dream of vivid color and fantastical characters, set in a stunning New Zealand backdrop – think Alice in Wonderland meets Steampunk. Those paying close attention to the video may discover an offramp to the Beacon Bloom Metaverse, a space that blends narratives and virtual worlds; cryptocurrency and NFTs; live and virtual shows; and a memeplex of mysteries moving through the virtual world to the physical and back again.
“Nothing Here But You” was premiered in VR at ALTERED STATE – a virtual art event by NFT marketplace Charged Particles. The event featured 10 artists, crypto giveaways, and a music performance by live house act IMT. The video allows collectors to gain special access to the Beacon Bloom metaverse or to own a unique piece of Beacon Bloom history. Examples of NFT’s include a completely alternate take of the music video in a different location, limited edition physical merchandise, and lifetime access to shows. Buyers can also purchase an NFT that includes the band flying anywhere in the world to play a private show for them. 10% of the initial sale of each NFT will be donated to charities including The Orangutan Foundation and Regenerative Agriculture.
Rather than competing for grandeur, Uone and Jamie Stevens’ remix explores the original’s more sinister elements. Beacon Bloom’s vocals are transformed into a back-alley whisper, and only the shyest harmonic elements escape the remixers’ knife, twisting suspiciously and always just out of focus. Even the sampled birds sound afraid at the bleakness of their new environment. But the result of this ruthless approach is an outstanding groove that pulls you along into the darkness until you lose all track of time. This is the version for fans of Alex Smoke, dissociative, and the glory days of minimalism.
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