December 22, 2024

The critically acclaimed film “Sin La Habana” sees the lives of three individuals intertwine, as they chase their dreams of wealth, success, and personal freedom. Set against the backdrop of Cuba and Montreal, this captivating story explores the extraordinary lengths people will go to in pursuit of their life goals.

Leo, a talented Afro-Cuban ballet dancer portrayed by real-life ballet dancer Yonah Acosta, and Sara, an impoverished lawyer played by Evelyn Castroda O’Farrill, share a passionate desire for a better life outside of Cuba. To achieve their dreams, they devise a plan for Leo to charm a hapless tourist. Little do they know that their scheme will have unexpected consequences.

Enter Nasim, an Iranian-Canadian divorcée yearning for personal freedom, portrayed by Aki Yaghoubi. Nasim quickly falls under Leo’s spell, and his infatuation leads him to invite Leo to Montreal, where dreams can come true. As their lives intertwine, each character is faced with choices that will shape their destinies.

The film’s stunning cinematography beautifully captures the vibrant heat and colors of Cuba, juxtaposed with the chill grayness and swirling snow of a Montreal winter. These visual contrasts mirror the characters’ journeys and the stark realities they face along the way.

Directed by Kaveh Nabatian, “Sin La Habana” presents a sensitive and nuanced portrayal of dreams, ambition, and the pursuit of fulfillment in a world that can be tough, unfeeling, and often uncooperative. Through the intertwining narratives of Leo, Sara, and Nasim, the film delves into the complexities of human desires, the sacrifices made to achieve them, and the profound impact of chance encounters.

The film is currently on digital and VOD release.

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