December 22, 2024

Opening with mountainous landscapes and the sound of gunshots in the distance a boy (TJ) takes aim at paper targets under the supervision and guidance of his father. Looking through the boy’s lens the blurred image sharpens, revealing a man tied to a tree. The father instructs him to slow his breathing down and take the shot, which TJ does. This sets the tone of the film and what to anticipate, as the psychopath’s father grooms what will grow up to be his psychopath son.

Many years later, building developer Ray Harper (Omar Tucci) is in Crawford County, in an attempt to convince the locals that his development project will benefit the town and will not compromise the environment. Only moments prior he handed the Mayor (Michael Coughlan) a bible filled with cash.

Adding even more integrity to his character, after the conclusion of the meeting, Ray gets into a car to meet his mistress, who incidentally his wife introduced him to. Ray and Mistress Brooke Hamilton (Marlene Malcolm) are studied by two men in a truck which a police officer (Greg Johnston) observes at a local gas station.

From this point, it is obvious their lives are threatened. Kidnapped and forced onto a boat, they are taken to an island where they are held until the next morning, at which point they are released and instructed to run. They are being hunted.

Directed by Neil Mackay and co-written by Sean McAulay, this is a theme played out many times. However, it is entertaining to watch the tables turn on the “experienced” hunters, as Mistress Brooke’s survival skills suddenly kick in and she’s now a better “hunter” than the three psychos in the woods with all guns blazing. The “hunters” seem out of breath.

To be fair, nothing is conveyed about Brooke’s background and although her inner GI Jane came out of nowhere, this is positive. It is tiring to constantly see a woman “develop” strength or grit only after having been violated or sexualized. There is some reference made to this in a scene where Brooke is separated from Ray and asks the hunters if they are rapists, to which they are offended. They are married men! But killing’s fine. Overall the action, cinematography, and narrative are well executed enough to enjoy.

Movie Rating: 3 stars.

Movie Rating Guide

1 Star = Unwatchable
2 Stars = Cannot Recommend
3 Stars = Great for the Fans
4 Stars = A Solid Movie
5 Stars = Must Own (DVD/Stream Download)



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