Things take a turn for the extreme worse when Vincent, brilliantly played by Anthony Molinary, decades to loan $100,000 from an undesirable group of individuals. He does this alongside his business partner who runs a cannabis business. Vincent and his business partner, formerly his debt collector, hope to turn things around in light of the legalization of the green substance, known as flower, weed, or bud (whatever you wish to call it) but find themselves in a matter of life and death.
Beautifully captured in the Californian sun and under the dark moonlight of Los Angeles, Director Jonathan Salemi delivers the consistency of a well-paced plot. One cannot help but want things to work out for Vince, but his desperate actions just land him in deeper trouble and you just have to wonder if he’ll get out of this situation alive. His desperation is driven by what he has to lose and as a result, puts up a relentless fight.
The film is On Digital & On Demand from February 7th, 2023
Movie Rating: 4 stars.
Movie Rating Guide
1 Star = Unwatchable
2 Stars = Cannot Recommend
3 Stars = Great for the Fans
4 Stars = A Solid Movie
5 Stars = Must Own (DVD/Stream Download)
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