Thank you for agreeing to this interview with Occhi Magazine. Please tell us more about OS Victory Mob Crew Ltd
I got into arts when I was 14 years old I started as a dancer first hip hop draw me in to express myself more cause I’m really an introverted guy. I started making music when I was 20 and since then it’s been nonstop. OS VMC was founded in Portugal back in 2014 along with my best friend Emanuel Carvalho, our in house musician and producer. The origins of the name came from our hunger for achieving victory and build a movement that inspires not just our community (Quinta do Mocho) in Portugal but beyond.
To quote your website you ‘pursue victory in our creative fields, be it music, dance, graphic design, filmmaking and other sources of self-expression’. How do you, as an arts-related business, measure this?
We measure this as a good endeavor for the black youth and the elders also, we want to spark change, spark ideas through our art and also be a platform that supports creatives across the board.
Who have been your industry influences and why?
My industry influences, in terms of rap music, are J Cole, Kendrick Lamar, Eminem, and Jay Z, because I can relate to them on a personal level. These gentlemen came from rough upbringings but they found the only thing that would save their lives saved my life as well. This is HIP HOP.
What have been your biggest challenges as artists and how do you overcome them?
As independent artists, our biggest challenge would be exposure. We try our best to invest in our art with our money but this could be a risk. We’re literally betting on ourselves but overcome that with resilience and huge faith in our craft. Self-belief is what makes us stronger.
Please tell us more about your latest project.
BEST of the BEST is a single from my upcoming EP In Pursuit of Victory. I collaborated with my best friend Cedrick Monterio. He is a Portuguese musician that is residing in Belgium. We’ve exchanged ideas through face time and Cedrick sent his vocals and the instrumental to me and then I went to record in Croydon, at my friend’s studio. Video Production was made by a graphic motion designer called Yusfillar from Indonesia. Best of the Best expresses the power of self-belief, that you can the best in your field if you work towards it and never give up on pursuing your dreams and goals.
Who would you love to collaborate with and why?
I would love to collaborate with four artists; two from Portugal, Sam the Kid and Valete, and two from the UK, Stormzy, and Dave. They are amazing storytellers and they value their craft with respect.
Can you share any information on other projects in the pipeline?
EP In Pursuit of Victory is in the works right now, but stay tuned for new stuff from us.
Where can our readers find out more about you and your projects?
- Braulio Pitra Social media https://www.instagram.com/braulio_pi/
- Cedrick Monteiro social media https://www.instagram.com/cedrick.monteiro/
- OS VMC social media https://www.instagram.com/osvmc_victorymobcrew/
- OS VMC website https://www.osvmcvictorymobcrew.co.uk/