October 6, 2024

Nicky MacKenzie’s upcoming EP “Morals” establishes the 23-year-old as a talented songwriter capable of creating hauntingly poignant yet irresistibly catchy pop melodies. By focusing on common human experiences like breakups, self-doubt, and nights out, Nicky allows her audience to connect with her music on a personal level. The project displays both rawness and elegance, highlighting Nicky’s remarkable ability to create emotionally powerful songs that resonate deeply with listeners.

Following the release of the tracks “Comfortable” and “Morals,” Nicky is now sharing the laid-back song “Come Back.” The project revolves around the theme of knowing something is harmful but repeatedly returning to it. The song conveys feelings of vulnerability and self-awareness – when you are aware that your actions are wrong, but you are caught in a cycle of craving and chaos.

Discussing the project Nicky shares, ‘ I actually wrote this song a long time ago before COVID when I was taking audio engineering at school in Vancouver. I was first developing the songwriting styles I knew I liked and “Come Back” came as a very fluid, lyrical, and almost experimental song at the time. Sometimes I like to write songs without thinking too much, almost word vomit the lines out, and then figure out what it mean after. It’s a good way to dig deep and surprise yourself. This was one of my first attempts at that and there are a lot of metaphors in this song for things I was going through at the time.’

For further details on the artist, please visit this link

Origina source/photo provided byAuteur Research

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