March 19, 2025
Tyler Jackson

Today’s social climate has brought about so many creative revolutionaries, their expression practically seems long overdue. One of those creators is Phoenix, Arizona based fashion designer and make up artist, Tyler Jackson. Tyler’s t-shirt designs reflect a place that embraces individuality, and one’s own out of the box uniqueness. I had the chance to pick her brain recently about her journey in my latest interview.

Tyler JacksonWhat is your opinion of the local fashion scene, and what does your brand add to it?

Right now I believe Phoenix is beginning to understand fashion on a faster pace level than ever before. I’m starting to meet more and more people with a love for fashion and I think it’s a blessing we’ve come a long way with keeping up with the fashion trends then we were a few years ago. I believe my brand is something new and creative also exclusive no shirt is the same as the other because it’s all custom, people like what others don’t have, something different and unique. I believe my style is just that.

What are your future goals and aspirations?

My goal is to be successful in my craft and by that I mean do what I love to do and make it into a full time lifestyle, I’m a stylist along with designer I also do some plus size modeling. I want people to look at my life and say “wow she’s so inspiring if she can do it so can I.” I want women to love themselves for who they are and realize they are beautiful and able. I want people to look at me and see confidence and success. I want to help people understand their worth in this world. That is my ultimate goal to make an impact because I was meant for something way bigger than me I feel it in my bones.

What are some of the current projects you are working on?

Right now I’m focusing on my custom clothing as well and building my portfolio as a stylist working on as many projects as I can. I work with a group of creatives it’s a group of five of us and we have big plans for events and projects involving the community and bringing creatives together so definitely watch other for that!

Follow her on Instagram and Twitter at @weirdgirltylah, where you can send her inquiries on her custom shirts.


Check the gallery below:

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