March 18, 2025

When we last left The Expanse, the crew of the Rocinante had barely survived the chaos on Eros involving the protomolecule and Mars, Earth and the Belters were all circling each other preparing for war, not knowing that other who was responsible for the carnage on Eros or that others were actually involved. The show takes little time in picking up right where it left off and jumping into the political landscape that is a complete mess and how the members of the Rocinante are going to deal with what they know and what they have in their possession.

While there are many things happening on this show at any one time, it is the crew of the Rocinante that drive the story forward and ultimately make the viewer care what happens to these characters. There is a wonderful dynamic forming between the crew adding Detective Miller to the mix, who is volatile at the best of times, only makes things more interesting. Maybe recovering from radiation poisoning helped bring Miller and Holden together but it’s the Amos/Miller situation that ultimately brought the whole crew together, as witnessed in the very funny stolen cheese story Miller spun while they all shared a meal together.

One of the biggest surprises continues to be the interesting and tense build up on the political front. I would never have guessed that any kind of investment in politics on a television show could be this much fun. (Babylon 5 is another sci-fi show that did this very well) Avasarala is brilliant, maneuvering others through the landmines of the political landscape like a chess master moving pieces on the board. She knows who helped release the protomolecule on Eros but instead of lashing out at individual parties or factions, she does the smart thing and plays the long game, which includes sending a secret message to Fred Johnson.

We are also introduced to some new characters, most of whom are part of the Martian Military. For those who have read the books, they will understand the importance of Bobbie Draper and for those who have not, I’ll just say she plays an important part in the overall scheme of things. She is an excellent soldier, tough and resilient, and is obviously looking to get into some action, especially after the destruction of the Donnager last season.

Once again, there is a wonderful battle in space and The Expanse is showing everyone that they didn’t just go all out in the first season so they could slack off a bit come season two. The fights or clashes between ships seem very real, where life and death are measured by how close the rail guns send rounds through your ship and sail mere inches by your head. The combination of great effects and tense atmosphere make every clash in space worthy of your attention.

While the first two episodes quickly answer some questions, they are replaced with even more, some of which the viewer will feel needs answering right away. What will become of Miller after his violent action that obviously has such huge consequences? What was with the hidden space station, one that had a stealth ship for protection but little else, in terms of personal, defending it from the inside? Does anyone really know which side Fred Johnson is really on?

One thing is certain, that being The Expanse is poised to make season two just as good if not better than the first season, trying to make the viewer to pick sides along the way. Whatever direction this show is headed in terms of story it looks destined to be a fun and entertaining ride.

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