Co-produced and written by Andrew Terry Pasieka, this emotional and raw documentary will be screened on February 18, at the Burlington Library at 2pm and receives its public release via Eventive on February 19th. The documentary exposes 400 troubled years of the British monarchy as it relates to colonialism and the slave trade, with calls for necessary restorative justice and reparation. The filmmaker, magazine publisher, woman’s advocate & award-winning podcaster uses her platforms to bring attention to social justice issues around the world. “What We Deserve” follows Jarrett’s award-winning documentary W’AT ABOWT US. The film earned the Canadian Jury award at the Toronto International Nollywood Film Festival.
Putting atrocities on full display, ‘What We Deserve’ details how over 10 million Africans were stolen from their homes and forcefully transported to the Caribbean as enslaved chattel and property of Europeans. The transatlantic slave trade is the largest forced migration in human history and has no parallel in terms of man’s inhumanity to man.
Shelley Jarrett is a respected member of the arts & business community and was named to the 2022 list of 100 Accomplished Black Canadian Women. She sits on the Board of the Art Gallery of Mississauga, and is part of the Public Relations Committee and the RPA Women Entrepreneur Award Committee. The community involved Jarrett also sits on the advisory board of the Canadian Centre for Women Empowerment in Ottawa. Discussing the film, she shares, “In keeping with my goal of raising awareness and education, it is vital that we continue to push for changes to gender-based violence, systemic racism, and various social justice issues. I feel it’s all our responsibility to continue to raise our voices and demand societal change.”