The Occhi featured Film director Domenico Di Lillo, in association with Occhi Arts & Entertainment, presents the premiere of The Black Men’s Consortium- a documentary case study following the activities of the Brixton-based community-led arts project exploring mental health services and support. The special screening at The Ealing Project, London at 7 pm on the 5th of December, will be followed by a Q&A with invited speakers who will discuss the film, the experiences of BAME communities, and the wider provision of mental health services in the UK.
We’re happy to be joined for the evening by Mia Morris OBE. Mia heads up the Canerows peer support project and was awarded an OBE in 2011 for her services in establishing black history month in the UK. Mia is a qualified teacher and also a service user. Mia will read poetry from the Black Lives Minds matter booklet produced by Sound Minds during Lockdown. Spaces are still available to attend this event. If you wou
ld like further information on the associated organisations, or would like to attend, please visit the links below
- Supporting Mental Health & Wellbeing: Lessons to Learn – Dec 5th Event