New York native and award-winning voice-over artist, Carrington McDuffie recently wrapped the narration of the Pulitzer...
Seven And Me is a children’s program that follows a little girl named ‘Snow’, who...
Long ago in a galaxy, far, far away . . . And into the...
Bright is the newest Netflix produced a feature film, backed by the biggest budget...
When the Harvey Weinstein allegations first came to surface, I was appalled by his...
We had the wonderful opportunity to speak with Nicole. Check out this awesome interview...
Wonder Woman’s (Queen Hippolyta) Connie Nielsen stars in Award-winning director Roberto Andò’s “refreshing suspense...
When I watched Dead Meet I was amazed to see how utterly abrasive and...
Born and raised in Los Angeles, Lexi Jayde booked her first commercial as a...
We are thrilled to chat with Helena about her upcoming projects. Check out the...