Calgary, AB – November 6, 2017 – Carolyn Bridget Kennedy of Demure Duchess Pictures, is the...
Arts and Entertainment
“Bounty Hunters” is a new comedy series that follows book-smart Brit Barnaby (Jack Whitehall)...
An ancient curse is unlocked in The Gatehouse, on VOD 12/5 from Uncork’d Entertainment. From...
This November, WWE and ECW World Champion John Hennigan will play the most dangerous...
VIZ Media to Present Producer of Tatsunoko’s Special Anniversary Project New York, N.Y. (October...
Hello, Occhi Readers! Charities are in need the most during the Holidays. I chatted with...
A Girl Is A Gun follows three women living in Los Angeles who goes missing,...
A beautiful woman begins to walk up the stairs. She turns around and says...
Antihuman, a spellbinding sci-fi horror film that knits Orphan Black with the Resident Evil...
Do the ‘monster mash’ this Halloween with the home entertainment premiere of horror-comedy Live-Evil, starring...