Sarah-Jane Stratford’s “sparkling historical fiction” (LitHub) is about women who reinvent themselves, while her...
Anna Forsyth is first and foremost a publisher of some of the most relevant...
In these challenging times, many people in the arts will have to pick up...
Weight loss plans seem to come a dime a dozen, and many give a...
Magdalena Ball—who grew up in New York, studied at Oxford, and now lives with...
Before the pre-digital, pre-books-on-demand days there were a limited number of publishers and thus...
We’re excited to interview author Medea Kalantar about her new book. In her first...
We had the pleasure to speak with Joan! What a wonderful person. We chatted...
We had the wonderful opportunity to speak with Zack about his amazing book, 1...
We had the fantastic opportunity to chat with Joe about his trilogy Stained Fortune....