The Key West Film Festival has announced the recipient of its annual Golden Key...
Film – Behind The Scenes
Rui Huang is an animation director and digital designer based in Los Angeles. A...
Maya Bastian’s captivating film Tigress is set to screen at the 2021 Reel Asian...
The Italian film The Macalusco Sisters—a Venice International Film Festival “Official Selection” in 2020 and...
Sandy Daley’s “Chronicles of a Black Woman: A Sketch Comedy will screen virtually at the 2021 Toronto Fringe...
Director/producer Melanie Thompson ( pictured) and Marisa Hood (writer/producer) are creators of a fun...
Internationally recognized award-winning director Sergio Navarretta’s career started with Looking For Angelina, a true-crime...
Ana de Lara’s Award-Winning Film ‘Good Girls Don’t’ Forms Part of CBC’s Canadian Reflections Program
Ana de Lara’s Award-Winning Film ‘Good Girls Don’t’ Forms Part of CBC’s Canadian Reflections Program
Lily Pictures and Ana de Lara Films announced the national debut of Filipina-Canadian Director...
Schemers is based on the true story surrounding music promoter David McLean’s stream of...
Award-winning filmmaker M.H. Murray tackles the hardships and anxieties associated with modern dating in...