Award-winning documentary AMERICONNED will open theatrically in New York (Cinema Village), Los Angeles (Laemmle...
Film Director
Musical meets crime drama in a colorful Athens set story of forgotten misfits, Broadway....
Giorgio Guernier is a young Italian filmmaker to look out for. A history graduate,...
He has worked in multiple production companies and on multiple productions including commercials, live...
Jayson Johnson earned an MA in film production from Eastern Illinois University and then...
Set in the suburbs of Boulogne-Sur-Mer in northern France, The Worst Ones captures a film...
Cat Hostick is a director and actress, recently nominated for a Canadian Screen Award...
Shelley Jarrett is a multiple award-winning entrepreneur, documentary filmmaker, and social justice advocate who...
John Fallon’s new thriller BRAEK will be screened at this year’s European Film Market...
Canadian filmmaker, Shelley Jarrett explores her passion for bringing social injustices to the forefront...