With a career spanning four decades, Jasper Cole has established himself as a prominent...
Film & TV
Vivian Kerr’s ‘SCRAP’ is a remarkable directorial debut that captivates audiences with its arresting...
Directed by James Clarke and Daniel Shepherd, Sunray: Fallen Soldier is created by and starring...
Sarah DeSouza-Coelho is a Guyanese-Canadian actor, writer, and creative producer based in Toronto, known...
A decade into the zombie apocalypse, hope is a luxury few can afford. For...
A gunslinger on a mission from God must track down supernatural creatures as penance...
Two friends are brought to Medellin, Colombia under the guise of a pleasurable business...
Lisa Berry is a dedicated actress with classical training, performing a diverse range of...
Ewan Wood is a fast-rising British-born Canadian actor who began his journey in Ottawa,...
In 2017, police officers mistook Ras Judah for a crime suspect. As a result,...