The brand new streaming service platform launched this September, and features CANCOM Comedy...
Film & TV
This is a first-look trailer of the new western action flick ‘Showdown in Yesteryear’....
Greywood’s Plot!, a pitch-black horror/comedy from producers Jason Goldberg (Glorious) and Brandon Waites (Followed),...
Dorly Jean-Louis is a Canadian Actress who continues to make a name for herself...
Uncork’d Entertainment is set to release Alrik Bursell’s highly-anticipated sci-fi thriller The Alternate this...
Malube Uhindu-Gingala is a fast-rising actor to watch from Montreal, Quebec, and is currently...
Ohio native Chrystee Pharris is a television and film actress known for her work...
Opening with mountainous landscapes and the sound of gunshots in the distance a boy...
Delivering an Impressive feature debut by South African director Kelsey Egan and co-writer Emma...
Copper Quartz Media recently announced their latest film Okpik: Little Village in the Arctic will premiere on...