Writer/director Samuel Kay Forrest’s acclaimed drama HipBeat, described by the critical community as...
Film & TV
Karn Kalra is an Indian-Canadian actor based in Toronto, Canada. Karn’s passion for performing...
A sharply satirical genre-bending journey through one absurdly terrifying dinner party in modern America,...
Gravitas Ventures is releasing gritty drama crime-thriller Watch the Sunset, Australia’s first one-take (“no...
Gravitas Ventures to release festival fave horror REPOSSESSION on digital December 1. From directors...
Bennet De Brabandere’s Ankle Biters is currently on digital release via Dark Star Pictures....
Sales and distribution company, Utopia is set to release ‘You Can’t Kill Meme’, a...
Inspired by Mod-culture, The Pebble And The Boy is now available On Demand and...
Samer Salem is an actor and writer from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Whilst he has...
Lisa Michelle Cornelius is an actor, singer, and filmmaker based in Toronto, Canada. Lisa Michelle discovered...