Bulldog Productions’ highly popular dramedy series FAK YAASS, follows the story of Nico Nicolakis...
Film & TV
Rita Rucker is a rising star and personality to look out for. After performing...
Actress and public speaker Nadine Marissa is known for her recurring role in the...
Meet Valeria Jauregui. Valeria competed in La Voz Kids (The Voice Mexico) and earned...
Helena Marie is an award-winning actor born in Montreal, Quebec and is currently based...
Director Joey Travolta’s Carol Of The Bell’s will ring the bells of inspiration in...
Along with Oscar/Emmy winning Filmmaker Sharmeen Obaild-Chinoy, Director/Producer Trish Dalton was recently named one...
Jeff Teravainen is a Toronto-based actor who was born in Oshawa, Ontario and raised...
A Brave Hope is premiering at the FirstGlance Film Festival, LA on March 15th....
One of the films at the FirstGlance film festival is writer, director and colorist...