Jason Wayne Wong is a Chinese-American-Canadian actor whose desire to tell stories and entertain...
Film & TV
Astrolabe Musik Theatre, in association with Opus 59 Films, presents the television premiere of...
The film distantly parallels the infamous true story of cannibal Armin Meiwes and Bernd...
Occhi Arts & Entertainment is happy to feature British Director Rob Ayling’s fundraising appeal...
Eagle Vision presents its post-apocalyptic drama ‘Finality of Dusk’ from award-winning director Madison Thomas....
Blackfoot Nation Films presents the premiere of their highly anticipated APTN lumi Original, Tales...
Nu-Urban Image International Pictures (aka Kush Films), in association with Iyanola Pictures, proudly presents...
Independent film distribution company Breaking Glass Pictures has announced the release of “Candela” on...
Quentin Lee is a multimedia creator and has directed and produced over ten feature...
Born and raised in Chicago, Brian has always loved movies. He wrote his first...