A man engulfed in the suffocating grip of loss finds his life fragmented. Struggling...
Film & TV
The Catalina Film Festival is an annual event that celebrates the art and craft...
Death is the only certainty we have in life, and yet we know so...
Filmed in Ireland on location in Cork, Waterford & Tipperary, Stormtroopers stars Carolyn Bracken...
Based on a graphic novel by writer-director Kevin Grevioux, King of Killers follows former...
In US theaters from September 8th, Dark Star Pictures presents Karim Ouelhaj’s Megalomaniac. Starring...
The final film featuring the late Tom Sizemore (Heat, Saving Private Ryan), Trauma Therapy:...
The Warrior King is considered one of Central Asia’s literary classics. The 3D animated...
Following a successful US theatrical release earlier this summer, Sub-Genre Media’s engaging documentary ‘Odd...
Award-winning director Marcel Walz’s upcoming horror/thriller ‘That’s A Wrap’ is scheduled for release on...