Uncork’d Entertainment releases ‘Scream of The Wolf’ this June. The story anchors on a...
Award-winning documentary AMERICONNED will open theatrically in New York (Cinema Village), Los Angeles (Laemmle...
Revenge horror, The Reaper Man opens with newlyweds Joseph (Kenon Walker) and Jessica (Jai...
London’s The Rich Mix arts venue was the place to be London in last...
Terror Films are getting into the horror television business, premiering a new 12-episode horror...
Uncork’d Entertainment will release Brandon Slagle’s follow-up to the recent action hit Battle for...
The Horror Collective is excited to announce the North American theatrical and TVOD release of Summoning...
Liam Ma is an emerging actor and multidisciplinary artist born in Mississauga, Ontario. Currently...
Though they may have saved many movie lovers during the pandemic, Drive-in Theaters are...
Set in the suburbs of Boulogne-Sur-Mer in northern France, The Worst Ones captures a film...