Uncork’d Entertainment is set to release Alrik Bursell’s highly-anticipated sci-fi thriller The Alternate this...
A nerve-shredding, knuckle-whitening, vertigo-inducing action thriller, FALL tells the terrifying tale of climbers Becky...
Opening with mountainous landscapes and the sound of gunshots in the distance a boy...
Delivering an Impressive feature debut by South African director Kelsey Egan and co-writer Emma...
Mark Savage-directed actioner Bring Him Back Dead starring action veterans Gary Daniels (The Expendables),...
Copper Quartz Media recently announced their latest film Okpik: Little Village in the Arctic will premiere on...
Bleecker Street will release the Director James Ponsoldt’s new film ‘Summering’ in theaters nationwide this...
The Best Short Film honor was handed to filmmaker, Alex Koyode-Kay for his film on...
Coming this August from Terror Films, The Ghost Lights, a spine-chilling new science-fiction thriller...
Kelton Jones’ OF THE DEVIL, featuring The Exorcist’s Eileen Deitz, will be released this...