Tull Stories is thrilled to announce the release of Cyborg: A Documentary, coming to UK Cinemas...
The supernatural horror film ‘The Well’ has arrived in selected theaters and drops On...
Deadly Dealings is a stylish, blood-soaked horror, arriving On Digital and On Demand this...
Vertigo Releasing is excited to announce that their new comedy-drama, And Mrs, directed by Daniel...
Brooklyn’s Greenpoint Film Festival has a great lineup for its 13th edition, taking place...
Kaleidoscope Home Entertainment is thrilled to announce the release of the horror film Lore,...
Kaleidoscope Home Entertainment is set to release Knock Out Blonde: The Kellie Maloney Story....
Vertigo Releasing release of action-thriller Duchess. Directed by Neil Marshall (Dog Soldiers & The Descent), Duchess will be...
Kaleidoscope Entertainment has released their British film, ‘Tell That To The Winter Sea’, an...
Lisa Chandler has been making an explosive impact in the entertainment industry, both figuratively...