Independent film distribution company Breaking Glass Pictures has announced the release of “Candela” on...
Quentin Lee is a multimedia creator and has directed and produced over ten feature...
Born and raised in Chicago, Brian has always loved movies. He wrote his first...
Keith Andreen grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he developed a passionate love for...
The Catalina Film Festival is an annual event that celebrates the art and craft...
A popular nursery rhyme mutates into a creature horror film with Three Blind Mice, a...
The fiercely independent Woodstock Film Festival (WFF) has a great lineup of films and...
Death is the only certainty we have in life, and yet we know so...
Filmed in Ireland on location in Cork, Waterford & Tipperary, Stormtroopers stars Carolyn Bracken...
Based on a graphic novel by writer-director Kevin Grevioux, King of Killers follows former...