Natalie Whittle, Adam Burch, and John J Pistone star in director Richard “Rick” Greenwood...
Cat Hostick is a director and actress, recently nominated for a Canadian Screen Award...
Shelley Jarrett is a multiple award-winning entrepreneur, documentary filmmaker, and social justice advocate who...
WIFT Vancouver (WIFTV) has announced the lineup for the 2023 Vancouver International Women in...
The Underbug, which premiered at this year’s Slamdance Festival, was written by Abbas Dalal,...
Woman Meets Girl, written, directed & executive produced by Murry Peeters and starring and produced...
Kira Nelson is an Australian actress gaining recognition for her role in the short...
After Love, the BAFTA-winning feature debut by Aleem Khan, is releasing in select theaters...
Walid Chaya is a Middle Eastern actor, director, and writer based in Los Angeles....
Director Amitabh Reza Chowdhury’s Rickshaw Girl is the winner of ten major film festival...