Set in a post-pandemic world, The Pay Day follows a broke and frustrated IT...
Rising Afrofusion star Lojay strikes again with an irresistible new banger “Canada”, out today. Featuring...
Melodious Image Film is pleased to announce that award-winning filmmaker Nisha Platzer’s documentary feature...
Sleep.Walk.Kill stars award-winning actress Ellen Boscov, Samantha Russel, Bill Reick, John Reshetar, Melanie Rosedale,...
Chris Sanders is a British film producer, screenwriter, director, and actor. His first novel...
Releasing October 18th, “Beyond the Dream” is the true story of two high school...
Sara Oliva is an award-winning bilingual, first-generation actress, writer, and producer, born in Milwaukee...
Jonathan Neil Alexander started working in theatre at eight years old. As a teen,...
The Toronto International Film Festival recently announced that Korean-Canadian filmmaker Anthony Shim’s sophomore feature...
Greywood’s Plot!, a pitch-black horror/comedy from producers Jason Goldberg (Glorious) and Brandon Waites (Followed),...