Girl Boxer is a dark, quick-paced, heartfelt action drama that holds nothing back as...
Writer and director Manu Boyer’s latest film will carry you away in an unusual...
Global Digital Releasing has acquired director Kate Brewer’s award-winning documentary, Knots : A Forced Marriage...
Russian-born American Writer, Producer, and Actress Anya Bay arrived in the US at the...
2021’s ‘Dawn of the Beast’ rises to the occasion, with horror thrills and chills...
Canadian comedy “Boys vs. Girls” from Gravitas Ventures is available on Amazon Prime in...
Film ‘Drive All Night’, starring Yutaka Takeuchi (Marvel’s ‘The Defenders’) will make its World...
Amy Carlson (“Blue Bloods”), Mallory Bechtel (Hereditary), and David Alan Basche (War of the...
This is based on the true story of Donna Martino, ‘Stronger Than Pretty’. A...
Every day, in high schools across the United States, a student will fall behind...