Do the ‘monster mash’ this Halloween with the home entertainment premiere of horror-comedy Live-Evil, starring...
Dante Basco (Hook, Bad Ass 2 : Bad Asses), Kevin Sizemore (Fear the Walking...
Jackson “Jax” Geach has been acting since he was 5 years old. He began...
Grayson Thorne Kilpatrick was born in Huntsville, AL to Sherry and Charles Kilpatrick. In...
Because she knew that television and film were what she wanted to do long-term,...
New York, N.Y. (October 17, 2017) – Anime NYC powered by Crunchyroll today announced the live-action film...
Award-winning director Giles Alderson’s ability to create wonderful and ingenious ideas out of small...
Blade Runner: 2049 is the sequel to the 1982 classic sci-fi film, Blade Runner. ...
When New York filmmaker D.J. Higgins entered a contest for a grant to be...
Los Angeles, CA– Random Media turns a picturesque retreat into a destination of terror...