Allisa, known artistically as LEECE, was born a naturally gifted singer with an impressive...
Ray Whelan is an award-winning Irish actor who won The Jury Prize award for...
In a world that values speed and quantity over quality, it’s refreshing to see...
Rob is a multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter, and producer. He is an established composer spanning...
Bill Nicoletti has over 75 national awards for excellence in film and television production...
Eric Hicks is a Toronto-based actor whose career began back in 2008 after winning...
Alan James Weiss is both an Architect/Designer and a truly amazing painter. We are...
Tyrone Jefferson has enjoyed playing with some of the greatest musicians on the planet,...
Avaah Blackwell is a multilingual actress, versatile stunt performer, and producer. Classically trained in...
Occhi Magazine columnist Joan Schweighardt has worked as a publisher, agent, ghostwriter, and editor...