Robert recently published a collection of short screenplays called SHORT ATTENTION SPAN, which was...
Richard Gabai began his career with a series of cult, genre, and family films including...
“Bounty Hunters” is a new comedy series that follows book-smart Brit Barnaby (Jack Whitehall)...
A Girl Is A Gun follows three women living in Los Angeles who goes missing,...
Jackson “Jax” Geach has been acting since he was 5 years old. He began...
Grayson Thorne Kilpatrick was born in Huntsville, AL to Sherry and Charles Kilpatrick. In...
Because she knew that television and film were what she wanted to do long-term,...
Award-winning director Giles Alderson’s ability to create wonderful and ingenious ideas out of small...
When New York filmmaker D.J. Higgins entered a contest for a grant to be...
Lights. Camera. Connect. Meet Cinematcher’s Founder & CEO Lauren Magura and Her New App...